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Lost in Setapak
Dom, 10 Mths

Found in Jalan Gurney 2
Mofassa, 9 Yrs

   « Back To Listing ❀ Kiseki (Miracle) Blossom ❀
❀ Kiseki (Miracle) Blossom ❀ - Domestic Medium Hair + Tabby Cat
CatDomestic Medium Hair + Tabby
ProfileFemale, 1 Month
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorGolden, Cream, White
LocationPuchong Jaya, Selangor
Posted21 Jan 2017 (Updated 3 Feb 2017)
Adoption FeeFREE
  1 Comment
Introducing little miracle, Kiseki!

♥ Six weeks old, plush-coated Ginger (yes, a female Ginger!) with beautiful hazel eyes.

♥ Kiseki is a fighter and one tough girl! She was rescued from a monsoon drain and later brought to the vets: where she was dewormed, prescribed meds and finally administered Frontline spray.

Kiseki had a very bad (and rare) reaction to the (by label very safe) Frontline spray - which sent her into neurological convulsions. She had to be quickly shampooed, put on drips and just when hope seemed bleak - she woke up overnight!

♥ Kiseki returned home after and has been on treatment for mild microspores on her fur as well as delicate foods to help her disturbed disgestive system. She's now in back great shape and one of the most rambunctiously happy kittens you'll ever see!

♥ Kiseki seeks a home where she will be well cared for and her fighting spirit truly appreciated.


Character details:

♥ Kiseki is an avid explorer, she's quick to adjust to new situations and loves loves LOVES to play! Her favourites here are our make-shift cardboard tunnels and string toys / balls. She has been great so far at entertaining herself (and us with her antics) despite being a single foster kitten.

♥ Being rescued really young, Kiseki is also extremely human-affectionate. She will grow into a typical lap-cat: loves chest-snuggles and especially having her head / ears rubbed as she nuzzles herself against us to sleep. She playbites but not roughly - she understands the difference between toys and human fingers although she does sometimes get over-excited.

♥ Kiseki has been treated against worms, parasites as well as tested negative against several viruses. She is very clever with the litter-box and is not fussy over food - still too young to be vaccinated.



○ Kiseki must be kept INDOORS at all times (apartments should be cat-proof).
○ She MUST be spayed at the right age (there are far too many homeless kittens like her out there).
○ Premium food feeding only (no Whiskas, Friskies etc). This is for her long term well being (please inquire).

Drop me a text (WhatsApp) or call directly (preferred) if you feel that you may be just the right person to give Kiseki a good home. Thank you! :)
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"Nothing in any direction can escape my sight."
"Nothing in any direction can escape my sight."

6th Jan: Woke up, a little groggy but starving and finished an entire can of wet food at the vets!
6th Jan: Woke up, a little groggy but starving and finished an entire can of wet food at the vets!

5th Jan: The day she had the adverse reaction and had to be hospitalized.
5th Jan: The day she had the adverse reaction and had to be hospitalized.

"Give me a little more time and I'll bloom into the most gorgeous kitten you ever did see."
"Give me a little more time and I'll bloom into the most gorgeous kitten you ever did see."

"I have a soft and thick coat - and this isn't even 100% me yet!"
"I have a soft and thick coat - and this isn't even 100% me yet!"

Peering into the camera. ♥
Peering into the camera. ♥

"Underestimate not my budding sense.."
"Underestimate not my budding sense.."

"Blooming into a stalker-extraordinaire as well."
"Blooming into a stalker-extraordinaire as well."

"Case in point."
"Case in point."

"I do head-tilts like this pretty often."
"I do head-tilts like this pretty often."

"Foster-mummy thinks I'm quite the poser."
"Foster-mummy thinks I'm quite the poser."

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Owner's Pet
Mabel Lynn

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Mrshed   Feb 8th 2017 at 2:55PM
Is it available?

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