Toby was found at a food stall and took "him" home, well we thought it was a "him". While at the vet's you can imagine the surprise when we were told "he" was a she. She kept the name Toby because she liked it and always comes to you when you call her name.
She is an independent girl who loves to watch you cook. She likes to do her own thing sometimes but at other times she loves to have her head and chin scratched. Oh and she loves Keropok and lets you know it. She is good with other cats.
Toby is also an indoor and outdoor cat. She likes to take her little strolls around the yard and bathe in the sun just as much as on the staircase or by the TV or on a chair.
Right now I'm in the middle of moving to United States. So if you are in Klang Valley, I am willing to bring Toby to your place.
If you are interested, Whatsapp me...