Am helping my neighbourhood cat feeders/rescuers with publicity for their rescues:
Sockie (girl) and Ginger (boy) are 2 kitties available in Sec 17 Petaling Jaya.
Ginger's mom was adopted by my neighbour, who later found that momma was pregnant. Ginger's siblings have already been adopted out. Ginger has been dewormed and vaccinated
Sockie's momma is a street cat also in Sec 17 PJ. Aunty Feeder has neutered momma cat and now trying to rehome Sockie. Sockie has not been dewormed nor vaccinated.
Please contact me if you wish to view Sockie or Ginger. I will then give you their fosterer's contact number.
May you be able to give Sockie and Ginger a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in a new permanent home!