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   « Back To Listing Belle Belle
Belle Belle - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 15 Years 11 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationHulu Langat, Selangor
Posted30 Oct 2009 (Updated 30 Dec 2009)
Adoption FeeFREE
I went to visit her at the vet today & paid for her 3rd jab. Her 3rd jab is going to due on 3/11/09. She is still as cute as ever. Did I mention that she has relatively big paws & moo-moo cow tummy. She is growing slightly bigger before i sent her to the vet. I have asked those nurse what's gonna happen to her if no one else adopted her. They did not give me an answer....

So pls pls pls, provide a loving home to this cutie =)
I will upload more her pics asap!


This cute lil puppy is up for adoption!

I saw her at the vet & thought that she looks like BOLT. Trust me, she really looks like smaller-eyes-version Bolt. This lousy pic of her doesnt justify how cute she is!

My friend had adopted her for nearly 2 months. He gave up on her due to her extremely submissive nature. She does well with other dogs but not so much with human. This is because she used to be a strayed puppy before someone picked her up & sent her to the vet. My friend is not a patient owner. He doesnt like the fact that she runs away everytime we go near her. She loves eating & will only come to you when you have food. Although she is a very submissive dog, she still greeted us when we came back from work. At the moment, she is a dog's dog & not so much of people's dog. She doesnt bark much unless she is playing with other dogs. She gets along very well with one of my mongrel dog. So i assume that she has no problem getting along with other dogs.

Please bear in mind that she is not a people's dog as she was a strayed dog previously. I m looking for a very patient & loving owner who is willing to spend time with her & take care of her so that she is not reluctant of interacting with human being. Pls do not give up on her due to her submissive nature. I believe that she will eventually gain more confidence & be a really good companaion!
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Bring me home puhhlease?
Bring me home puhhlease?

Belle Belle - Mixed Breed Dog

I put on weight edi
I put on weight edi

Belle Belle - Mixed Breed Dog

I promise I will b good
I promise I will b good

my ugly mug face =P
my ugly mug face =P


more rawhides puhlease...
more rawhides puhlease...

I <3 rawhides
I <3 rawhides

I dont wanna stay here...
I dont wanna stay here...

Sniffing sniffing**
Sniffing sniffing**

Cute Belle belle
Cute Belle belle

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Share your comments here20 Comments
smfan   Oct 30th 2009 at 8:14AM
Wish I could take her. I have adopted a docile one like her.After 4mths with us she will bark when she sees strangers/visitors outside the gate and if the visitors come in,she will keep quiet. Thats what we want isn't? The neighbours will not complain as she is not noisy.To me she is a challenge to adopt if you can bring her out of her shell.
WaiSam   Oct 31st 2009 at 1:22AM
I wish i could take her as well. Are you willing take her as well? =)
trinalgoz   Oct 31st 2009 at 10:19AM
Perhaps your friend could socialize her by bringing to park or inviting some dog lovers over to his house. Doing so will exposed her to different human and might help her to build her confidence with human.
WaiSam   Oct 31st 2009 at 10:29PM
I tried. She refused to walk while she is on leash. She is perfectly okay with wearing a collar but not LEASH =((
smfan   Oct 31st 2009 at 11:03PM
I wish I could but I have to be considerate to those whom I am staying with, they are not animal lovers.Having 2 dogs in the house and sometimes have rescue dogs and fostering I dont think I can manage
WaiSam   Oct 31st 2009 at 11:25PM
understandable =) praying very very hard now....
ManekiNeko   Nov 1st 2009 at 8:47AM
Pandalovers, walking politely on a leash is also a skill that dogs learn through patient training. If Belle Belle has been abused, she probably fears being restrained in any way. Rewarding her with treats when she is calm on leash would be a good start. Good luck! :-)
WaiSam   Nov 2nd 2009 at 12:39AM
Thanks for your advice Amanda. Too bad she isnt with me now =(
GreyKintaro   Nov 3rd 2009 at 4:52PM
2 bad i cant cuz i hav no room 2 keep anymore pets.. sry
Eileen08   Nov 3rd 2009 at 8:00PM
She looks almost identical to one of my pet dog, who is also a stray. I rescued Mickey from the street when he was 2 months old and he was a very shy dog too. But a lot of love, bonding, good food and exercise have turned him around. Today, more than a year later, he is a macho and confident dog. How can you say Belle is not a people's dog? Did your friend spend enough time with her in the past two months to give her confidence? He must establish a relationship as a leader to belle and trust me, Belle will worship him if he is doing the right thing.
zhean68   Nov 3rd 2009 at 11:12PM
such a lovely dog,but im not free at the moment,coz change a new job already so have to fight for my career right now.
but it will be lovely tat we can keep in touch each other so u can share some info with me,cheers!!!
smfan   Nov 4th 2009 at 9:45AM
Quote-' Pls do not give up on her due to her submissive nature. I believe that she will eventually gain more confidence & be a really good companaion'.Your friend adopted her in the first place why not ask him to give her a chance? Dont tell me he is going to give up again if the next dog he adopts is like her or maybe too noisy or playful?When we adopt a pet I think we have to be prepared to accept whatever behaviour the pet is going to be.Have he thought of the feelings of Belle? Would he like to be in Belle's position?Do you know that this type of pets with this behaviour are never given a chance to live in some society?
WaiSam   Nov 4th 2009 at 1:44PM
I have tried... Even his parents don't like Belle Belle... I have been taking care of belle for the past 2 months but she is still very shy. I really think that she will be alright after a while. I just don't have a proper place to keep her anymore. N keeping her at the vet is not a long term solution.
zhideng   Nov 6th 2009 at 12:07AM
i saw this dog in chinese forum...
WaiSam   Nov 7th 2009 at 12:00AM
yea... I ve been posting the ads everywhere
I visited Belle today... She even knows how to bark at strangers now.
I brought Belle to the adoption drive last Sunday. No one adopted her but my parents are willing to foster her for 1 month. I hope we can gain her trust & my ever-dominant female dog will accept her. I'm now toilet-training her & she seemed to be okay on leash during the adoption drive.
ken888   Dec 4th 2009 at 2:07AM
very adorable dog...
contact me if the dog is still available thanks
WaiSam   Dec 4th 2009 at 2:08PM
All dogs are still available! =)

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