Yaz is an exotic colored ginger cat. She is the gentlest, sweetest and most loving cat i have had the fortune to rescue. Her cream (and sometimes peach fur) is very uncommon color that makes her stand out. Her gentle poise and kind nature will make u love her and want to protect her once u get to know her. Always the first to greet you, she will be at the door waiting as soon as she hears your footsteps. She loves playing with her favorite toy but at the end of the day you will be sure to find her next to you on the couch snuggling up to you. She has beautiful curious eyes that make you melt when she purrs at you. Her gentle nature makes her ideal if you are only looking to adopt one cat.
Yaz lives in a much protected environment and has not been exposed to the wild world. I would prefer she is kept as an indoor cat with space to run around and play. I am very strict about not caging my fur kids and hope you don’t cage them. Cats are curious animals and are constantly exploring their surroundings. Give them space to walk and run around. But also remember to kitty proof your house.
Cats are very social animals and it is healthier to adopt two so they can have another cat to play or interact with. Especially if you are busy at work or otherwise most of the day :)
If you can only get only cat, then please consider adopting an older cat. Older cats are usually litter box trained, spayed and easier to take care. They are also more independent and mellow in their games and spend a lot of time napping ;).
Taking care of fur kids is easy. All they need is some food, lots of love & attention and they will be at your side all their life.