The story of this lively dog : He is one out of the six who survived among his siblings. He was first met when he was 3 months old, diagnosed with intestinal problem and he finally recovered after being taken good care of. The fosterer soon brought him out to seek for adoption and he finally got adopted after several attempts of being brought to adoption drives. Unlucky enough, 3 months prior to his adoption, he was soon found injured as a result of being knocked down by a car, and was seriously injured. As the adopter is currently having health issues and is no longer able to take care of the poor dog, he is once again sent back to the fosterer to recover from his injuries. He's a healthy dog now , vaccinated , deflead and dewormed .. kindly give him a new and sweet home
这是一只生还毛孩,从六只所剩下的其中一只,三个月大时从建筑工场跑了出来,卧病在路旁,被义工带去兽医医治,病好后被一位善心啊姨认养,但因为意外被车撞致受伤,认养啊姨又身体健康出问题而无法再认养了, 希望有善心人士愿意给他一个家!他已经打完预防针,除蚤去虫了!