Yes, he might have some west highland terrier genes because he was very prone to skin allergies. A bit big for a Westie though, he was 13Kg at the last vet visit.
Bruno is still missing, by tommorrow, it will be 5 weeks. I had put up posters at some pet shops and the vet clinic, but had not received any calls till last weekend. My parents went to have a look but it's not him. I miss him very much!
don't ever give up on finding him.... go further on foot to look for him and print thousands of flyers to put into post boxes of houses in the neighbourhood and the adjacent neighbouurhood..... search during morning and evenings when they come out to look for food.... you had him for 11 years, you would more or less know his character and if he runs out of the house, where would he head to first... try to think like him.... remember don't ever give up, he misses you very much too... my dog is very similar to Bruno too... but he has longs legs, not proportionate to his body length...god bless
Unfortunately, my mum has lost the energy to keep looking for him. I have searched at a teachers' training institute which is adjacent to the housing area. He went missing during school holidays, so I was questioning the little kids who play there, whether they had seen him. I trust children would not lie when it comes to animals and none of them had seen him on the day he went missing.