Hi All, This is urgent post. My friend who is living in Kampar have been caring for street cats at the pasar.
The situation there is bad as people are throwing kittens in the pasar and there's more than 30 of them now. Some of them dies overnight while some are left without mothers or milk.
I'm posting a group of these unfortunate cute kittens in hope to help some of them to find a home, food and shelter.
Please help as a fosterer, adopter or any ways possible.
Contact me asap thru whatsapp if interest. Thank you.
Kindly read through below terms & conditions and if you think you are the right one, please drop me an e-mail() or call/wassap me.
[Terms & Conditions for Adoption]
1. Please check whether you are allergic to cats fur before thinking of adopting the kittens.
Please seriously think whether your current life can accept another animal as a family member before considering the adoption.
I really do not want the kittens end up losing family.
2. Adoption Agreement will be signed before sending the kittens.
3. The owner has to be stable to ensure good qualities of their lives by giving them enough nutrient, care, love and medication if necessary.
4. In case you really need to send the cats away later on, you must bring them back to me.
5. Keep indoor only
6. Adoption fee is RM100.
This RM100 will be returned back to you once spayed.
Terms&Condition credit to Crystal