Update 15 Aug: Potential adopter did not proceed as she has rescued 3 kittens, so both Mango & Pumpkin are available. Pls call.
Update 4 Aug: Both kittens are getting cuter. Very affectionate, both love cuddles. View the video to see them playing.
After a bout with fungus, these two fantastically cute, active kittens are healthy and available for adoption. Mango is male, whilst Pumpkin is female. They are siblings, dumped behind our shop. I prefer for them to be adopted together, as they play with each other most of the time, but if you want to adopt just one, we can discuss. Conditions for adoption:
1. Must keep them indoors, or in a secure yard. I have seen too many accidents involving young kittens.
2. Kittens are not toys for young children, so if you are getting one just because your young child wants a toy, please go buy a Garfield stuffed toy.
3. Please vaccinate and spay/neuter these guys.
If you are interested, please whatsapp. Thanks.
Mango dan Pumpkin telah diiklankan sebelum ini, tetapi kerana mereka terkena jangkitan fungus, saya merawat mereka dahulu. Sekarang sangat sihat, aktif dan sedia untuk di adopt. Syarat2 yang saya terpaksa kenakan:
1. Mesti dijaga samada di dalam rumah, atau di kawasan berpagar yang selamat. Saya dah banyak sangat tengok anak kucing mati dilanggar.
2. Anak kucing bukan barang permainan untuk anak2 kecil. Jika anak anda ingin permainan, saya rasa lebih sesuai beli anak patung Garfield.
3. Sila vaccinate dan kasi (mandulkan) kucing2 ini pada masa yg sesuai.
Jika berminat sila whatsapp saya di. Tkasih