I have 2 Cute Kittens for Adoption
They are both siblings and Male.
They are very playful and can be a good companions.
Both in Black/White colours. If you can see they seems like they are wearing white socks.
Both are toilet trained and can eat kibble.
I'm staying in Cheras as delivery can be arranged within KL area :)
If you are interested, you may whatsapp me @Anak kucing yang sgt comel utk diadopt.
Kedua2 nya jantan dan sgt playful.
Diorng nie adik beradik, manja & dua2 warna hitam pakai stokin putih.
Diorng tahu untuk poop ditempat yg sepatutnya.
So far diorng dah boleh mkn kibble.
Area : Cheras, KL (penghantaran boleh diuruskan dlm area KL)
Saya harap future adopter boleh jaga mereka berdua dgn ikhlas dan penuh kasih syg.
Boleh Whatsapp @jika berminat.