This was brownie on the streets. he was found by anitha . he had an accident and hurt his spinal cord, his legs were dragged around and was bruised and bleeding. He must have met and accident.
Brownie met with dr lim, doggy was named brownie because he needed a name. Dr lim says , brownie nerves are not all damaged , his hind legs can still feel pain and can move abit.
He went for operation. And now is at segar vet hospital recovering.
he still can move around and he avoids himself being dirtied by the faeces. He does not need to be turned around every three hours.
Taking care of him is easy. He needs a cage , food n water and some free time to walk around by himself sometimes. And he can move around and not bruise his skin by dragging, as long as he is not on the rough road.
Is anyone able to give him a home ?, so that he wont be put to sleep? Brownie is a gentle soul. He does not bite at all , and he is very tame. Friendly with humans n knows how to shake hands.
.I can sponsor his cage n monthly food .
..... my contact number