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   « Back To Listing Mukti (Renamed To Shiro)
Mukti (Renamed To Shiro) - Japanese Bobtail Cat
CatJapanese Bobtail
ProfileMale, 9 Years
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorCream, White
LocationKuala Lumpur, Selangor
Posted29 May 2016 (Updated 15 Jun 2016)
Adoption FeeFREE
Thanks for all your inquiries, Shiro is now happily adopted into a wonderful family and home with 3 other furry companions, we are very happy for him

Mukti is probably the first of his litter, he is very healthy and and has a wonderful creamy-white coat with blue grey eyes, we have tested and he is not deaf with no disabilities.

Eager to purr and friendly, Mukti is always wants to be the first to welcome you home, you will definitely enjoy having him snuggle up to you and as his soothing purrs relax you.

All four kitties have been given mother's milk, toilet trained, socialized, have no fleas and are very ready to make your home a more special place.

We want to make sure they all go to good homes and preference will be given to adopter can take at least 2.

Seeing as they were born at this centre, we thought it would fitting to name them accordingly.

Mukti - Beautiful Creamy white male kitten with blue eyes, his the heaviest of the bunch, adventurous and sweet, always first to welcome you home as you step thru the door.

Mouna - Caramelized striped tabby markings, yellowish-green-grey eyes and brown leather paw pads.
She's a speedy one and is highly attracted to strings, cardboard and socks..
Very soft underbelly and big ears, she's bound to become a beautiful cat.

Rishi - Grey markings on pure white coat, Rishi is very easy to handle and hold. He also enjoys tunneling into tight spaces and sniffing toes.
Adventurous kitty that loves exploring new surroundings, Rishi stares at you with curious eyes and has a very cute and sweet mew sound.

Moksha - The noisiest, clumsiest and most endearing of the four, Moksha actually has weak hind legs which is what makes him even cuter, but it also causes him to drag unfinished poop in from the litter box...
Moksha has very special markings, like a black helmet head and even a small dot under his chin, punctuated by another Tao dot on his left rear.

Moksha is very docile and super sweet, usually resting and almost never using his teeth and claws even during playtime.
We think he'd make a great indoor kitty.
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Beautiful eyes
Beautiful eyes


Shiro post adoption
Shiro post adoption

Apparently his abit of a gangster
Apparently his abit of a gangster

Shiro in his new home
Shiro in his new home


Enjoying his nap
Enjoying his nap

Sweet and easy to handle
Sweet and easy to handle

2 weeks old
2 weeks old

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Share your comments here3 Comments
Aljannah   May 30th 2016 at 3:25PM
Hello Jimmy. Ni Kak Sha. I am very interested to adopt Mukti please. I stay in UK Perdana. Can i come over today please? Thank you.

HassanRashid   May 31st 2016 at 7:39PM
Kak Sha, maybe Jimmy ada luar kawasan kot. Sy mesej2 x reply lepastu call x dapat. So i assume out of coverage la tu.
Aljannah   May 31st 2016 at 10:29PM
Salam Hassan. Tqvm. Saya dah pm Jimmy. Alhamdulillah kami dah setuju for me to take Mukti next week cuz now dia baru 7 weeks. Msh blm bercerai susu ... Happy saya😻

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