Hi! My kitten named Kopi escaped my compound about three days ago... We've been searching around the neighborhood for her, but have had no luck! Have you seen her?
She's a tiny little indoor kitten who has never been a stray/on the streets.
Noticeably has white "socks" on all four of her paws.
A little brown patch of fur on her nose that looks like it has been in coffee.
Her most noticeable feature though is her "hook" tail. Since birth her tail has had a little "hook" in it that bends to the right when you look at her face on.
She is both spotted and striped.
She knows her name very well, or even if you call out "coffee less sweet" in Hokkien she responds.
Please, if you see her (or a kitten like her) in the Ayer Itam turf club area, please let me know!