My name is Toby and I am a shar pei cross. I was adopted by my master and have faithfully served her in the past few years. I greet her happily everday when she returns from work and guard the house from intruders. But as you can see, my master is an irresponsible person. I have developed an eye infection and some skin problem due to neglect. These can be easily treated but she doesn't want to spend money on me. Now, my master is going on holiday and wants to dump me back in SPCA. I love her still but it is breaking my heart.
What did I do to deserve this?
UPDATE 19/10: Toby's owner sent him to SPCA as expected. We have taken him out and he is now being fostered by Jennifer in Seremban.
Update 27/10: His eye infection has fully healed and his skin has improved by leaps and bounds. He has put on weight and is about 20 pounds now. Toby is kept indoor, very calm, doesnt chew and only does his toilet when he goes for walks. Very alert and barks when he hears people at the door. it's amazing what love can do even for a dog. Makes a perfect companion and watchdog.
15 April 2010: My foster mommy Jennifer decided to keep me forever. Yippeee I love my mommy.