This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Bonnie and Clyde have been living around Ampang Point area since being abandoned by their owner. They are a male and female pair and are inseparable. Two lovely ladies have been feeding them but they are being threatened by some people around the area. One of their feeders have seen people throw stones at them and hit them with metal rods (one occasion). They fear that the DBKL will take them away. They are very sweet, Bonnie is shy but will warm up to you after awhile while Clyde is very friendly and affectionate. He will look for Bonnie if she has gone out of his sight. They deserve a family who will cherish them and whom they can love forever. Or if you have a garden/porch where you can temporarily house them to keep them safe, would be great. The feeders and I are willing to chip in for any vet fees too.