Fantastic lemon and white beagle puppies 7 months old boy. vaccination and has been fully wormed to date. well socialise with kids. Playful and active. Letting go because have not enough time to play with him . Please call me if you are a serious dog lover. Adoption fees is negotiable.
Where did you get that idea,? There's no hard and fast policy on regarding maximum adoption fees. If rescuers have invested a significant sum in spay/neuter, vaccination, medical treatments, etc., it's reasonable to ask a higher adoption fee.
That said,Vijicaco, I would strongly suggest neutering this dog before releasing him for adoption. Too many pedigreed dogs end up in the hands of unethical backyard breeders and puppy mills. Neutering will eliminate that possibility and is best for his overall health in any case.
there is always a mutual understanding that no matter how much u spend for spay/neuter, vaccination, medical treatments, etc...the max cap u can ask for is RM300...if it is over that amount you can always put in under sales...not adoption...
I am a dog lover and have years of experience breeding dogs. I am interested to adopt your beagle puppy, however, the adoption fee is too high and it seem like for sale.
Would appreciate if you could waive or lower the fee as a sincerity. Hence, I believe it would be good for both you, me and the puppy as well. Thank you!