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   « Back To Listing Wolly Wonka
Wolly Wonka - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 9 Years 11 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationKuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan
Posted3 Feb 2016 (Updated 19 Feb 2016)
Adoption FeeFREE
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This is Wolly Wonka and she is for a purrever home. She is the sister of Willy Wonka (please refer to my other listing). She was a stray kitten. I rescued her from a sewer drain when she was 4 months old. She was very wild then. It was a muracle that i managed to rescued them (3 siblings) after being trapped for 4 days. I called bomba & spca but as the hole was too small, they couldn't come for the rescue. Anyways, Alhamdullilah thank God they are safe.

She is a cutie with beautiful stripes. She is bow legged and walks like a cowgirl (hihihi). Small size but fat. Scared of other humans but very affectionate (manja) to me.

She is most of the time indoor but she does have a few hours outdoor. She always comes home when i call out "mamam" meaning makan or eat (typical cat).

She is also a runner. When i open the door she will dash out like lightning but as she grows up here, she knows the neighborhood and will always find her way home.

She is potty trained. As far as i know she never does her business either outside my house or inside. She loves her wet food and can be aggresive during meal time. She also eats dry food.

If u want to adopt her, please make sure that u can keep her indoor/in a cage so that she can familiarise with your house. I am afraid she can't find her way back to ur house.

She is very clean, quiet not much noise and not much problem. She is dewormed and spayed/neutered (not vaccinated).

She may take time to get used to other people. Would be best for experienced cat owner.

Reason for giving her up for adoption:
I now have 10 cats. Not enough space & time to look after them.

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Wolly Wonka - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Wolly Wonka - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Wolly left Willy right hand side
Wolly left Willy right hand side

Wolly Wonka - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Wolly Wonka - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Wolly Wonka - Domestic Short Hair Cat

Wolly Wonka - Domestic Short Hair Cat

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