Cooper is an abandoned pet. He was rescued and found to be starving and severely emaciated. We are feeding him now with nutritious food. He may have other health problems as well, but he is very friendly to people. A very lovable dog.
He has been starving for too long, and he needs to be fed very nutritious food at frequent regular intervals. He also cannot walk properly, could be due to muscle atrophy because of general weakness.
Roasted, it can be hard to accept a new dog after your old one has passed away, especially when your previous dog has been with you for so many years. Some people take longer to open their hearts again.
Perhaps, if your parents are open to considering another dog, you could bring them to look at Cooper, no promises, just to see how things turn out?
my poor dog..hope he can recover back sooner.. I shame on all the selfish and stupid owners..cocker spaniel is the 2nd of the 10 class of most clever dogs..cocker spaniel even know what we talking to them..they learn very fast and they are very cute and active..
My whole family also love cocker spaniel..because I have a cocker spaniel which is an abandoned mom and I spend 3days to help PetPet(the dog)clean his body,kill all the 'kutu'..he stay quiet for us to clean his body although it takes a long time..but he pass away few months ago..we very sad about his dead..he sick at night and pass away in the next morning when we not at home..I even cannot see him at the last time..until now we still miss him..for me,my dog become one of my family members..just like my younger brother..