Location: Puchong (Bandar Kinrara)
Hi I'm Momo! I'm a highly intelligent kitten that is very attached to people. I love to get myself cosy on people's lap. I'm a curious one, a fast learner and can do many things that young kittens cannot do yet because I am smart!
They say I talk(meow) a lot, but I'm just being extra friendly and warm.
No worries about my litter, for I am litter-trained.I am also fearless, water shower and hair dryers does not scare me one bit!
If you want me to be your companion,
I'm available for adoption from January 2016 onwards.
I am already neutered, vaccined and dewormed by Goh Veterinary.
My current owner just needs to make sure that I will be in good hands!
Status: Adopted by a sweet couple on January :)
Thank you!