Winston is a Male puppy about 2.5 months old looking for a loving home. He is a Calm & Friendly puppy, who would love someone to play with. He have been Vaccinated & Dewormed.
His siblings and him were rescue from a factory which the mother dog gave birth at.
*Conditions for adoption:
-Adopter need to have landed property with enough space for the puppy to move about. No excessive tying and caging.
-Adopter shall not let adopted puppy wander/free roaming of neighborhood without supervision
-Adopter shall be responsible to provide medical care and vaccination
-Adopter shall be responsible to neuter the puppy when they reach 6 - 8 months old to prevent unwanted litters
-If adopter is a student and staying with his family, please ensure to have entire family's mutual agreement
-Monthly updates (preferably with photos) of the puppy for the first few months will be greatly appreciated
If you are interested to adopt please contact me through whatsapp or sms at(Yong)
Adopting a puppy is a 10 to 15 years commitment, please be sure of your decision to commit.