Dog | Husky |
Profile | Female, 9 Years 6 Months |
Amount | 4 Pets |
Vaccinated | Yes |
Dewormed | Yes |
Spayed | Not Sure |
Condition | Healthy |
Body | Large Size, Medium Fur |
Color | Black, White |
MKA Cert | Yes |
Location | Petaling Jaya, Selangor |
Posted | 16 Nov 2015 |
Price | RM 2,300 |
husky 宝宝想要就快快来咯^<迟了就没有了哦^< mka宝宝 打了一支针,驱虫2次 宝宝5个星期大:) 4个都是母的 可以联络我哦:)我在kl coco
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