This is another cat that I found walking and searching for foods near my condo lobby. Somebody put a collar on his neck but never pick him up. He has been walking around for almost 2 months. He is very friendly and I pick him up to my house & feed him most of the time. The reason why I could not keep him is because he is not welcome by my 4 other male cats. He is very friendly & his voice is unique( at first I thought he is a FEMALE cat). If you're interested, please do not hesitate to email or sms me. Thank you.
No, xteruk biasa je, getting better nowdays. Because dia stay dekat bawah kan so tu yg kena infection. Last time hilang for a week i thought owner dia dh ambil. But sadly dia dtg balik dgn mata yg kena infection, so I dh bawa dia pegi vet.
Allrite CikLola, if dia dah ok for sure i will give him to u. Tapi if dia masih xberapa ok, i think i better jaga dulu, do u have any other cats at home? takut nanti berjangkit pula.
if yes..plss email me at cos my bro very interested