This is another cat that I found walking and searching for foods near my condo lobby. Somebody put a collar on his neck but never pick him up. He has been walking around for almost 2 months. He is very friendly and I pick him up to my house & feed him most of the time. The reason why I could not keep him is because he is not welcome by my 4 other male cats. He is very friendly & his voice is unique( at first I thought he is a FEMALE cat). If you're interested, please do not hesitate to email or sms me. Thank you.
hello cik lola, yes2 i dpt u r msg, sorry i was busy yesterday lupa nk reply.. *sigh* taro masih lg xberapa nk mkn, i think its better for me to let him fully recover dulu then baru i bg u adopt.. is that ok with u? right now dia xnk makan kalau i xde, susah nnti i takut if i bagi dia now later on dia xmkn lansung.. so sowie..dr ape yg u ckp..taro cm sgt memerlukan xnk la kaco die..nvm la..xda da way..lola dh adopt yg len..hope taro cpt sht
2 la, i pon rasa mcm tu kan, i have to keep him sbb dia pun xberapa sihat lagi.. xpe2 u dh dpt yg lain? wahh sure yg comel jugak kan? ;) thanks coz wish taro cepat sihat, jahat sape yg buang dia 2.. masa i jumpa dia masih pakai collar, sgt kejam dia pnya owner tu kan :(
archie andrews tu pun kan, i jumpa dia dekat bawah condo i, he was all wet & his body was shaking maybe sebab dia lapar sgt2.. masih kecik lagi taw u, i xsampai hati tgk dia.. org bg dia makanan pelik2 dia masih xde gigi kuat so dia xblh chew.. :( kenapa org sgt kejam??? buang merata je kitten tu... i tgk tangan dia kena fungus pastu misai dia patah2..... *sad*
da jd owner ptt btggjwb la seumur hidup kucing tu...kucing is not juz animal...ada perasaan gak...hmm...may be die lost kot sbb ada collar...hrp2 cptla taro dpt new parent.
memang, selalu mcm 2, bila sakit semua buang.. mcm my kitten yg nama archikins tu la kecik2 dh kena buang.. kesian taw cik lola.. umur dia xsmp sebulan lebih nk mkn ape kt luar 2.. sue 007, i pun xpaham naper owner 2 bg dia pakai collar pastu biar taro sejuk n lapar kt luar 2.. sgt sedih..
mmg, yaya mmg wish sgt2 owner taro 2 ditimpa musibah.. biar dia taw mcm mana taro rasa kena buang.. haaa archikins tu ade2 yaya ade gamba dia nnti yaya upload ekk cik lola.. tu ada sikit je kn time dia kecik, sekarang dh getting gebu2 hehehe..
yesss, the most important thing is jgn bagi makanan manusia to ur cats zul87, and kalau boleh beli premium cat foods (means yg xjual kat supermarket).. So far my cats mkn Acana / IAMS / blackwoods ok je xluruh bulu..
taro masih lg xberapa nk mkn, i think its better for me to let him fully recover dulu then baru i bg u adopt.. is that ok with u? right now dia xnk makan kalau i xde, susah nnti i takut if i bagi dia now later on dia xmkn lansung..