Angel was born on 09 Jan 2008. It father was an exotic long hair and her mum was a longhair round face persian. Angel have a quite unique characteristic...shy,she like to be alone,she will come to you if she want your attention.
i've to let go My Ang3l due to personal purpose..
I hope people can understand and not prejudice with my decision.
Syg sgt2 kat angel ni tapi atas dasar keterpaksaan and demi kebaikkan utk dia.
Call/text me utk ape2 info. No booking, fisrt come first serve.
ctc me: /. Thanks
dulu cuba gak RC...tapi kucing2 sy tak bp suka...pastu najis dia pun tak elok...maybe tak sesuai utk dorg but sesuai pada kucing org lain...