Hello everybody! I am looking for people to adopt these 2 female dogs, Jane (black and brown) and Julia (white with black specks). They are currently approximately 3-4 months old. The sisters were adopted 2 months ago. I found them in a box at the market. Death was knocking on Julia's door due to a viral infection but I sent her to the vet for a few days and nursed her back to health, and now she is the more active of the pair.
Both Jane and Julia are very smart puppies, learning to recognise their own names merely just after 1 week! They are loving and friendly dogs, and like to lick their owners when they are out from their cage. They are potty trained to pee and poop on newspapers (so don't leave any new newspapers/magazines lying around!). Also, they understand simple commands like "come in", "go out", "NO!" (as long as you teach them where is "in" and "out").
Julia is a very smart and curious dog, likes exploring the surrounding and trying out new stuffs. On the other hand, Jane is the contrast of Julia. Keeping more to herself, she is very obedient and more gentle, a huge contrast to her sibling. Though the two dogs are opposites of each other, they love each other, and more importantly their owners very much.
I am looking for people who would like to adopt them as I already have 2 dogs in my place and we don't have the time and resources to take care of them. Though they may be mixed breed, they are good and loyal dogs and I hope that you would kindly take them in as a family. I can be contacted at (Madam Lee).
Even if you don't want to adopt them, can you lend a helping hand by sharing this post? It will surely help a lot if this post can reach a lot of people by your sharing. Thank you very much and God bless you.