This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
As for now d pups home is a at the field opposite of Buddhist Temple. No real shelter/shades from hot sunny day or raining. Usually the place will be utilised for Ghost Festival Event in August and surrounded wt a drain. Patchy and Noki are siblings out of 3 of them. My first close encounter wt dogs hence not sure the gender but from d pic I shown to my friends, they said most probably they r female. Really hope Noki n Patchy find a loving home so they hv a better life and save from dog catchers. They r playful, lovely, healthy and love to lick my hands the moment they saw me during feeding time. Am concerned wt their life n prefer if both of them adopted. I would chip in half of d spaying cost for both of them, once adopted. Their mother, Roxy, I will arrange for spaying once all d litters are adopted. My number.