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   « Back To Listing Lily Lulu
Lily Lulu - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 10 Years 5 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationSerdang, Selangor
Posted24 Jul 2015 (Updated 26 Jul 2015)
Adoption FeeFREE
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In February this year I was alerted to 7 abandoned puppies in my area. With the help of Malaysia Dogs Deserve Better I was able to find homes for 6 of them through their amazing adoption drives. Lily Lulu was the 'runt' of the litter - the small weak one that nobody wanted.

I decided to raise her, rather than throwing her to the streets, however I'm not Malaysian, and due to some unfortunate circumstances I'm transferring to a country that's even less dog friendly, and I can't take her with me (Although I wish I could).

She's house trained (does her 'business' outside) around 95%, she's fully vaccinated, dewormed, had Tic prevention medicine applied and has recently been neutered.

She has a good temperement - sometimes a little nervous of loud noises, but very playful. As all puppies do, she went through the chewing furniture stage, but has now passed that as her adult teeth have grown through nicely.

She has the run of the house - and doesn't mind regular or air con rooms - she's happy in either.

She likes to play fetch, and to chew on a nice 'treat' from the pet store. She can 'Sit', 'Stay' and if out walking 'Car coming' makes her sit down and wait for the car to pass. She gets these right about 90 percent of the time.

She's fed on a mix of wet food and dry food - and certainly enjoys a few treats from time to time.

I would hope that her future home would treat her in a similar way to the way I've brought her up so far, and not to be passed to a family who has the sole intention of chaining up a dog outside 24/7.

I have to return to the UK very soon, and I really don't want to just throw her on the streets. If I can't find a home before I leave, then the only option I will have will be to destroy her. That's something I really don't want to do - so please - if you're looking for a well behaved, fairly housetrained fun dog, that also is happy to mix with other dogs, consider giving Lily Lulu a home.

I don't want any money to cover any of the expenses I've incurred - but if anyone did want to make a donation to Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better - They would certainly welcome it.

I would hope that whicever family took her, we could keep in touch, and if I could get back to Malaysia to see her again.

She would come complete with bed, heartworm prevention medication for the next 5 months and a generous supply of dog food. If you'd consider giving Lily Lulu a home - please get in touch with me, and I'll happily bring her to meet you at your home anywhere in KL.
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Relaxing at home. (5 mth old)
Relaxing at home. (5 mth old)

Watching for intruders
Watching for intruders

Watching me
Watching me

One ear up one ear down
One ear up one ear down

Preening (7 mth old)
Preening (7 mth old)

Dinner time? (7 mth old)
Dinner time? (7 mth old)

Play ball (6 month old)
Play ball (6 month old)

Rescue day (1 month old - she's the little one in the middle)
Rescue day (1 month old - she's the little one in the middle)

Driving in the car

Playing when on holiday (Boarding)


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