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   « Back To Listing 4 Puppies Adopted @oct-nov 2009
4 Puppies Adopted @oct-nov 2009 - Mixed Breed Dog
DogMixed Breed
ProfileFemale, 10 Months
Amount4 Pets
BodyMedium Size, Medium Fur
ColorBlack, Yellow, White
LocationButterworth, Pulau Pinang
Posted28 Aug 2009 (Updated 15 Jul 2010)
Adoption FeeFREE
Four puppies were delivered by Max & Cody's mum at Rawang, Selangor before end of July 2009. 1 female puppy still available for adoption.

No caging or leashing, please. Preferably to keep them in door if possible. Will appreciate an introduction of yourselves and also on your experience in handling dogs if you have.

Latest Update :
02/10/2009 : Puppy C (Male) adopted by Mr Tong
(Puppy renamed as Melvin)
11/10/2009 : Puppy A (Male) adopted by Mr S.K.
Raja (Puppy renamed as Jumbo)
24/11/2009 : Puppy B (Female) adopted by Mr Daryl
Kan (Puppy renamed as Groffy)
06/12/2009 : Puppy D (Female) adopted by Mr Muniandi (returned to my sis few days later bec the puppy refuse to eat and drink); she was with my sister since then(Named as girl girl); Girl girl (abt 10 mths) dead on 01.06.2010 due to parvo virus
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Group photo - Pup A, B & C (adopted)
Group photo - Pup A, B & C (adopted)

Melvin & gf Jodie at Port Dickson - May 2010
Melvin & gf Jodie at Port Dickson - May 2010

Puppy C - father(Jimmy) : GSD + Spitz, mother : Icelandic sheepdog + mongrel
Puppy C - father(Jimmy) : GSD + Spitz, mother : Icelandic sheepdog + mongrel

Puppy C (Melvin) - May 2010 (looks like Rion & Cody)
Puppy C (Melvin) - May 2010 (looks like Rion & Cody)

Puppy C
Puppy C

Puppy C
Puppy C

Puppy C at Port Dickson
Puppy C at Port Dickson

Groffy (Puppy B) 7th Feb 2010
Groffy (Puppy B) 7th Feb 2010

Puppy A (Jumbo)
Puppy A (Jumbo)

Puppy A -(Jumbo) April 2010 (like Cody but shorter fur)
Puppy A -(Jumbo) April 2010 (like Cody but shorter fur)

Puppy B 10.11.2009 (Adopted)
Puppy B 10.11.2009 (Adopted)

Puppy B 10.11.2009 (Adopted)
Puppy B 10.11.2009 (Adopted)

Puppy B 09.11.2009 (Adopted)
Puppy B 09.11.2009 (Adopted)

Puppy B 08.11.2009 (Adopted)
Puppy B 08.11.2009 (Adopted)

Puppy B (3 mths old) (Adopted)
Puppy B (3 mths old) (Adopted)

Puppy A (adopted) & Puppy D (available)
Puppy A (adopted) & Puppy D (available)

Show All Photos »
Puppy D and Yu yu
Puppy D and Yu yu

Puppies with their fostering mum Yu Yu
Puppies with their fostering mum Yu Yu

18-09-2009 (Adopted)
18-09-2009 (Adopted)

Puppy B pic 6 (Adopted)
Puppy B pic 6 (Adopted)

Puppy A (Jumbo) pic 3 (Adopted)
Puppy A (Jumbo) pic 3 (Adopted)

Puppy D pic 2 (Adopted & returned)
Puppy D pic 2 (Adopted & returned)

Puppy C pic 2 (Adopted)
Puppy C pic 2 (Adopted)

Puppy C (Male) - Adopted By Mr Tong 02.10.09
Puppy C (Male) - Adopted By Mr Tong 02.10.09

Puppy B  pic 3 (Adopted)
Puppy B pic 3 (Adopted)

Puppy B  pic 2 (Adopted by Mr.DarylKan 24.11.09)
Puppy B pic 2 (Adopted by Mr.DarylKan 24.11.09)

Puppy B (Female) ; tricolour with pufy hair(Adopted)
Puppy B (Female) ; tricolour with pufy hair(Adopted)

Puppy A (Jumbo) (Adopted by Mr S.K.Raja)
Puppy A (Jumbo) (Adopted by Mr S.K.Raja)

Puppy A (Male) - adopted by Mr S.K.Raja 11.10.09
Puppy A (Male) - adopted by Mr S.K.Raja 11.10.09

4 puppies were born b4 end of Jul'09
4 puppies were born b4 end of Jul'09

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Page: 1 2 3    59 Comments
jesse   Nov 6th 2009 at 8:30AM
SPCA Ampang..Actually Puppy B will be like my Cody or my sis Rion in near future and she is the good guard dog even at her young age..Puppy D is short coat with bit small size..both very cute..but ppl just refuse to adopt them bec they are female..
We learn something valuable in life after being thru many bad incidense in recent years..as a human being, the higher tolerant or pains is not from any wounds or disease, it's from our feeling of limited ability when seeing the love one (our family members or our pets) being tolerant from any factor and we can't help much on it..it really heavily smash our confidence and spirit that we have..and cause very pain in inner heart
jennifer84   Nov 6th 2009 at 10:14AM
agree..... but what can we do????? there r too many stray around, and ppl still let the pet to breed for darn funny reason.... but atleast we did our part... :) right?
lynielime   Nov 6th 2009 at 1:18PM
hi there. just a suggestion.. perhaps instead of sending the pups to SPCA Ampang you could consider sending them to Furry Friends Farm or AnimalCare's Bentong sanctuary instead? Then you won't have to worry that they might be euthanized if no one adopts them.. SPCA Ampang is already bursting full with homeless animals and hundreds more come in every month.. As you know, some of the animals are euthanized because SPCA can't keep them all. Furry Friends Farm and AnimalCare are no-kill sanctuaries.
irena6300   Nov 6th 2009 at 1:25PM
yaya...u js need to donate some thing to furry friends farm then they wil help u take care ur dog..instead u can find owner for them at the mean time...
Sashy   Nov 6th 2009 at 1:34PM
Yeah but don't keep giving dogs to FFF, they already have so many dogs, and only Sabrina alone takes care of them during the week. Don't know how long she can keep up. If you do drop your dogs off there, please take the responsibility to provide a monthly allowance for them so it doesn't add too much burden to 1 person...
lynielime   Nov 6th 2009 at 1:37PM
yes i think i heard its something like a few ringgit a day?
Sashy   Nov 6th 2009 at 2:27PM
RM30 a month for the food, but don't forget, only 1 person feeds them during the week :( I don't mean to discourage people from rescuing animals, but just keep in mind when we send our rescues to a shelter, we still need be as responsible as we can for their welfare. Rescue is also a forever thing, once we pick an animal up, its our responsibility till we release it to someone else

On another note, FFF is so remote now, but there are a few dedicated volunteers there during the weekend. Really amazing and wonderful people!
irena6300   Nov 6th 2009 at 4:36PM
but at least our rescued dogs wont be euthanized...
MelissaK   Nov 6th 2009 at 7:36PM
Poor pups, hope they're lucky enough to be adopted rather than being sent to a shelter :(

jesse, I notice that the pups' mom keeps having litters - is it possible to spay her? Rather than having to rehome more pups every time she has a litter it makes more sense to spay her in the long run.
Sashy   Nov 6th 2009 at 10:07PM
Well Irene, I think that if we send dogs to no kill shelters, we have to remember that dogs live for 10 years or more. So if we keep sending dogs, they too will soon have too many dogs to care for. If we don't commit ourselves to 10 years worth of food (either monthly food, or donation) per dog, we put too much pressure on the No Kill Shelter until they can't support all the animals. When they can't cope, then they become a Kill Shelter like SPCA (which is very sad, since its against the reason they were formed).

Also, don't forget that FFF, or other private No Kill Shelters get no funds from the govt or from corporate. Only SPCA gets corporate funding as they are a recognized charity (and corporate companies get tax exemption when they donate to SPCA, but not to private shelters). So if we don't support our rescued animals, who will?

So we can't just drop a bunch of puppies off at say FFF, or LLF (Lotus Life Farm?) or other private No Kill Shelters, with just a small or one time donation. If we want our rescued animals to live in a No Kill Shelter, we have to be prepared to support them for the next 10 years. We can't dump it onto someone elses lap and consider that we 'saved them from euthanasia', as thats unfair to other person who now has to maintain the puppies instead of us.

If we really cannot help the pups, and we can't commit ourselves to 10 years worth of donation (or until the end of the dogs life), the best thing is to send to SPCA ... have to be practical.. thats life

My 2 cents. It may be harsh, but I learnt from talking to a shelter manager on why that shelter doesnt want to take in more puppies/young dogs (they are overburdened, and people stop paying maintenance for the dogs they put there after a few months. However the dog should not be punished for their owner not paying, so the shelter has to keep them), and also from helping some people who rescues animals. Its very hard work, especially when there are more dogs than 1 person can handle.
irena6300   Nov 7th 2009 at 9:55AM
yeah...i agree with u sashy,but i know jesse will send them to spca not because they cant stand for the fees..
js because they have too many dogs..
and i bliv if they decided to drop the two rescued puppy at FFF,they will keep finding owner for them...
jesse   Nov 9th 2009 at 8:31AM
The puppies are still with us..we're trying to export one of them to Sabah..there's a pet finder member interested to adopt her..checking on all charges involved now
Aerofleet is the company that in charge of freight forwarding of animals : -
22B, Jln Jones, Georgetown,
Pulau Pinang
Contact No: 5281
Contact Person: Ms. Cheah Bing Shee

This info might be useful for those who intend to bring their pets with them when they are moving to overseas...The basic requirement are vaccination, microchip and the pet must be at least 3 months old
melissak, we are unable to catch the two female strays for spaying purpose bec they are very alert..otherwise we would do it years ago... moreover, my sis is not staying there anymore.. they are feeding by a Malay neighbour as they are guarding his house at night..he or the Indian neighbour will then inform my sis to collect pups when they find any..
darylkan   Nov 15th 2009 at 6:43PM
hi...is puppy B still available? i wish to adpot but i stay in Bandar Sunway now....
jesse   Nov 16th 2009 at 10:57AM
Yes..Puppy B is still available for adoption..please contact my sis at 2002 for arrangement..thank you
Puppy D is still available for adoption..
Puppy D is very obedient and loves to stay close to people. She just turned 4 months and is the smallest among her sibling. Hope someone will give her a chance to be adopted than sending to SPCA Ampang.
Puppy D been adopted on Sunday Dec 6th 2009

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