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   « Back To Listing Momo
Momo - Domestic Short Hair Cat
CatDomestic Short Hair
ProfileFemale, 10 Years 4 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorBlack, Gray
LocationPj, Kuala Lumpur
Posted13 Jun 2015 (Updated 21 Aug 2015)
Adoption FeeRM 50
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Hello People!

My name is Momo, I'm a little kitty with a big people friendly heart. All of the humans I've met so far have been super kind and loving, leaving me food and treats, I love it when they stop to pet me and tickle my tummy! But I really need to find a home for a long and happy life to share with the right humans! Ideally I would love to be an indoor kitty, yay! But if you're in a quiet, off road area, I might like that too.

I am fit and healthy, but need to visit the vets for my vaccinations and spaying, and I would appreciate if my new parents would take care of the adoption fees the all my future vets bills for me, the vets here only except this thing called ringit, I really don't know why, funny humans, it's a bit chewy and doesn't taste so nice, Tuna is still my favourite, Hmmm... happy puuuurrrrrssss :-)

If you are interested to adopt me then please contact my friend Simon.

Lot's of super furry love!



June 26th 2015

Dear People,

I am now at the vets to receive my health check-up, medicine, this things call spaying and then some vaccinations. Phew, I hope to find lot's of pampering and fish treats after all of that, Yay! :-)

If you can provide a kind, loving and forever home for me, please contact my friend Simon.

Lot's of loves and purrs,


July 1st 2015

It's a new month, hopefully some adoption luck with come my way! Love and Peace, Meow!

August 2nd 2015

Happy August everyone! I'm still looking to a loving human to adopt me into my forever home! I you can open your heart to a loving,people friendly kitty like me, do get in touch! Meow Meow! :-)


August 14th 2015

Hello People! Today Simon collected me from my foster home with news that I have been adopted! Yay! My dreams of a forever home have come true. Thank you everyone for following my profile, love, peace and happy purrs all round! :-)

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Nom, nom, nom, nom... oh yeah!
Nom, nom, nom, nom... oh yeah!

If I look this way, no ones going to suspect that I really want to see whats in this nice red box be
If I look this way, no ones going to suspect that I really want to see whats in this nice red box be

I good at supervising, that's right, make sure you put all of the tuna in my bowl
I good at supervising, that's right, make sure you put all of the tuna in my bowl

Hello Kitty!
Hello Kitty!

Ah, this is nice, ear scratches, of yeah, more, more more!
Ah, this is nice, ear scratches, of yeah, more, more more!

Oh yeah, that smells good, yum, yum, yum...
Oh yeah, that smells good, yum, yum, yum...

Hmm... What's this, it looks like a super yummy treat, lets see what it sniffs like!
Hmm... What's this, it looks like a super yummy treat, lets see what it sniffs like!

Sweet, dream, dream, dreams of a forever loving home!
Sweet, dream, dream, dreams of a forever loving home!

Oh, is this my good side, or the other, hmm, I think both, hee, hee,  meow!
Oh, is this my good side, or the other, hmm, I think both, hee, hee, meow!

Hello world! I'm very people friendly! Will you be my new parents?
Hello world! I'm very people friendly! Will you be my new parents?

Sweet dreams of tuna, pampering and a happy loving home...

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