We r Independent Dog Rescuers in KL/Selangor area. Currently we have handful of rescued puppies searching 4 Adopters.
If interested, pls Email () or FB PM (allensushi) 2 me (no voice call pls) these info:
# Puppy Photo (screen shot)
# Your Real Full Name
# Your Age
# Your Location
# Your house type (Terrace/SemiD/Condo/Apmt/Kampung)
# Your occupation
We'll screen thru & revert if u r shortlisted as Adopter.
Adoption is FREE, subject to Pre-Payment for the following Expenses on the puppy:
RM150 covering 3 x vaccinations
RM180 covering spaying/neutering fees
(Total RM330 payable upfront)
When times comes for vaccination or spaying/neutering, Adopter needs to bring puppy to Vet only. Fee would have been paid upfront already.
Pls visit:
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.&type=1and comment directly on the particular puppy photo,
https://www.facebook.com/groups/dogsambassador/, Click on respective Puppy Albums to view more.