These 11 puppies were rescued from a Sunway development site. At least one puppy was crushed to death instantly. Another fom shock & truma after its tiny limb was crushed to bits too.
All are very young around 6 weeks of age.Some have stumpy tails others are long. One is cream in colour, another brown, some black & tan and the rest white with brown markings.
All were infested with worms but they are cleared now AND has started putting on weigh & becomes lively as the food ate are all utilize by their very own little bodies & not goppled by nasty worms as before.
They are very active and playful now & "quarrel " over heirarchy. They are most delightful when all are yapping away in that lovely puppy voices of theirs.
2 others joined in on the 30 Sept.The small one with bunny tail & one eye patch together with another baby whose tail was tied with rubber band ( Cruel people tried docking its tail. It didn't dropped but turned infected with sore & maggots worms !) have gone home to a granny in Seremban on 4 Sept.The other of these 2 is an Alpha.He is just 6 weeks old but he refused to stay in cages or playpen & must run with the big boys.And that he indded does & we called him Morgan.
There is another smart Alexis. She Is VERY SMART. Only 6 weeks old but learned she has GREAT magical power by pushing her snout between the playpen bars & pushed. "By Golly., I can push this fences ". She pushes the pent to & fro to the delights of her fellow buddies this way daily. Quite a sight to behold.
Come, these bunch of survivors from the construction site are some characters like their human kind. Thank God, they haven't acquire their language though.
8/9/09 Latest on our Alpha 6 wks old MORGAN
Yes. 6 wks old Morgan climbed into our shallow watering bowl & stood in it to cool himself down. He immerse his tiny head into the water next & swings it about before pulling his head out.He shakes the water off next. Only then, will he climds out of the tub. My goodness, he is only 6 wks old. What will he do next ? He actually tried to steal sonme of Loke's ( ahigh ranking adult male )dinner tonight. Loke snarled aggressively & pretended to nap him ;only then did he scrurried away with a scream. Never ever have I seen such alphaness in such a tiny pup before. It is must be the construction environmental factor that spured such genes.
15/9/09 4 more 1mth+ Sunways joined us on the 9/9/09.Small little bunnies they are. Infact two of them have a two inches wide darkened strip running down from its head right down to the base of its tails.Their photos would be out soon but one of the Chipmunk looking pup is already adopted by Aunty Ann & Uncle Clement. They adopted another white Sunway with brown markings & bunny tails.Both are very blessed pups; Aunty Ann loves them to bits & she is expecting her own baby too in March next year.
Do contactshould you wish to see them in person
These 11 puppies were rescued from a Sunway development site. At least one puppy was crushed to death instantly. Another fom shock & truma after its tiny limb was crushed to bits too.
All are very young around 6 weeks of age.Some have stumpy tails others are long. One is cream in colour, another brown, some black & tan and the rest white with brown markings.
All were infested with worms but they are cleared now AND has started putting on weigh & becomes lively as the food ate are all utilize by their very own little bodies & not goppled by nasty worms as before.
They are very active and playful now & "quarrel " over heirarchy. They are most delightful when all are yapping away in that lovely puppy voices of theirs.
2 others joined in on the 30 Sept.The small one with bunny tail & one eye patch together with another baby whose tail was tied with rubber band ( Cruel people tried docking its tail. It didn't dropped but turned infected with sore & maggots worms !) have gone home to…
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