Here's 5 Pets, puppies of 2-3 months old...2 of them are males and 3 of them are females. One of the puppies just experienced a minor injury at the left hind leg, which i heard from the vet, is needed so that the puppy will grow up to be normal like the others...please, adopt them...
I'm sorry, i don't know what breed is it...Mongrel is? If this is Mongrel, please let me know...i don't intend to lie but i don't know about dog breeds...thanks...
Chinese Crested, mongrel or streetdogs make no difference. They are all GOD's Creatures and they deserve to live. How's the puppy with the injured leg?
The puppy with the injured legs are happier compared to the day she got hurt...rhsajc, don't need to blame anyone la, they're just letting a newbie like me to know what's the breed cause i don't want to be called a liar for uploading false info...nice to meet you, rhsajc...can be seemed that you're a real dog lover...cause some people claimed that they are dog lover but they are actually brand lovers...but i believe people here are all dog lovers...
I'm very sorry, Stephaniets, No offence:) I got mixed up with the injured pregnant dog at Ipoh Bercham bougainvillae Club. I was upset becos of an injured leg, she was suggested to be put to sleep. A thousand apologies for sounding harsh. Nice knowing you too, CloudChen, young yet so passionate in saving strays. keep it up :-D
It's alrite rhsajc... If he didn't put in Chinese Crested, I didn't know there's a breed called that, even earlier on, I didn't know mongrel is for strays... Hmm, yeah getting more and more sad incident over the doggies nowadays. :( Dr.Goh from ipoh is good, I heard from my friend, she's the best in she saved my friend's shih tzu when in KL, the vet nearlly killed him.. Hardly can find a good vet... really need to hunt around.