Found this poor dog in front of a Restaurant .Please contact me If this is your dog or you know the dog owner.Thanks !
update 9-2-2015:
Good boy Mochi surgery has done to remove his facial growth,the sample is then sent to a laboratory to check whether its benign or malignant.Vet estimate he need at least 2 weeks time to recover if nothing went wrong.(he will stay in vet until stitches removed.)
Beside the growth poor Mochi also diagnosed with heartworms,the treatment will start after his fully recover from the surgery.
I am now looking for a FOSTER HOME for baby Mochi after that.(his up for ADOPTION )
Please contact me @if you know someone can help TEMPORARY foster or adopt him.(KL AREA)
可怜的小毛孩Mochi除了脸部肿瘤外,还确定感染上心絲蟲症(Heartworm disease) ,脸部肉瘤切除手術已经完成,採樣将送化驗等待報告确定是良性或恶性。兽医的说法是如无任何状况发生下,两个星期后将可为伤口拆线。(这阶段会一直住在兽医院里)。然后再继续进行下一步,治疗心絲蟲症。