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   « Back To Listing ❀ Cherie Blossom ❀
❀ Cherie Blossom ❀ - Russian Blue + Calico Cat
CatRussian Blue + Calico
ProfileFemale, 11 Years 4 Months
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
ColorYellow, Gray, White
LocationPuchong Jaya, Selangor
Posted20 Dec 2014 (Updated 13 Apr 2015)
Adoption FeeFREE
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Introducing pretty little Cherie!


♥ Female, 1 year plus, she is a rare "Muted" Calico. Has stunning grey/yellow fur with uneven blotches, and yellow/green eyes.

♥ Rescued with mange two months back (please see first three pictures). Cherie has since been treated successfully and is now a healthy, vibrant little girl.


♥ Absolutely loving girl! We suspect she's a dumped pet (perhaps due to her skin issue at the time she was found).

♥ Stroke her, carry her, hold her, hug her, give her kisses, anything, she won't protest. :) Cherie bonds closely to the people who pay her the most attention.

♥ Cherie LOVES other cats too! She is submissive and will not hiss/spat/growl etc no matter how any other cat reacts towards her. She loves head-butting, brushing and nuzzling against other kitties if they allow it. She's very curious about dogs too! :) Very easy-going girl.

♥ Already vaccinated, de-wormed and given flea prevention (spot-on). Cherie has also been spayed (6/11/2014).

*** Note For Potential Adopters (PLEASE READ) ***

• Cherie "nips" while being stroked sometimes, to show affection. Experienced cat owners preferred.

• Cherie must be kept INDOORS, ideally in a low hustle household. She doesn't understand crowds or hyper situations.

• Premium food feeding only (no Whiskas, Friskies, etc). This is for her long term welfare.

• Reimbursement fees (to cover Cherie's first vaccination & spaying only) will apply, please inquire. Card will be passed to her successful adopter.

Please drop me a call or SMS if you feel that you may be just the right person to take this girl home.

Thank you!
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Sweet as can be: Gets along with everyone and everything. :)
Sweet as can be: Gets along with everyone and everything. :)

❀ Cherie Blossom ❀ - Russian Blue + Calico Cat

❀ Cherie Blossom ❀ - Russian Blue + Calico Cat

❀ Cherie Blossom ❀ - Russian Blue + Calico Cat

❀ Cherie Blossom ❀ - Russian Blue + Calico Cat

She also has her playful/mischevious moments! Generally very cuddly and attention seeking.
She also has her playful/mischevious moments! Generally very cuddly and attention seeking.

Very elegant girl.
Very elegant girl.

Cheri's very uneven pattern (it's like someone splashed paint all over her).
Cheri's very uneven pattern (it's like someone splashed paint all over her).

Her coat has nearly fully grown out and she's very healthy. :)
Her coat has nearly fully grown out and she's very healthy. :)

Fast forward 2 months: Cheri today!
Fast forward 2 months: Cheri today!

Extremely hungry too. She was underweight and had fur loss/crusty ears.
Extremely hungry too. She was underweight and had fur loss/crusty ears.

First night of rescue. Getting her first good sleep in her litter box. :)
First night of rescue. Getting her first good sleep in her litter box. :)

The day she was first found on the streets.
The day she was first found on the streets.

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