They are returned and now looking for home
Luna was born on 14/10/14. she is a white cat.
Nini was handed to me after the rescuer found her. She has grey and white fur.
they are playful and active, like to play around.
Nini is super manja/affectionate, will come to for love while Luna is elegant and calm, will sit next to you quietly
they can eats wetfood and kibble, drink from bowl and litter trained. they are flee free and been dewormed
Luna has to be adopted together with Nini
The condition to adopt them are :
Must vaccinate
Must spay/neuter when they are 5 months old
Must keep indoor
No caging unless it's for quarantine/ transportation
Must provide premium kibbles
Update me with pic/message once awhile
One 6kg of grain free kibble is required as adoption fees
Adopter need to sign a adoption agreement
Adopter have 2 weeks probation period. If you change you mind, you could return them to within 2 weeks.
In future if you are unable to take care of them, you must return them to me.
please don't hesitate to contact me regarding their adoption.