Bought him back from Cheras on 23rd July 2009. He was scared when we want to bring him out from the cage, we asked about the pup condition at the seller, he can't answer us much due to he "help" his friend to sell, the way he talk, he just want the money, more or less like "you want you take it, if not, just buzz off..."
After consideration over the health and safety of the pup, we decided to buy him home with us rather than just leave him with the irresponsible seller. Jayden was having cough for the whole night.
Doc said that nothing serious, just cough and need to observe over Jayden's eyes as there's bit cloudly in it, might because of the cough. However, if after the cough his eyes still watery, he need to go for another check up for his eyes.
He's been infected with fungus infection, his skin are all reddish, all I can do now is just make sure his food suitable for him and his fur out of wet all the time.
Sometimes, not to choose to buy, but when see the dog "seeking help", just pay it. sigh.
Bless Jayden.