Date of Birth: 12-March 2009. Brought home from the breeder when she is 6 weeks old... a fragile 0.5kg little gal. She is picky with her food and her fur coat look weak and loose. Started to hand-feed to make sure she is taking her necessary daily food provisions.
She is a sweet little white furry puppy weighing 3kg now. Very active and playful. And, now at 7.5 months old, she is experiencing her first period.... She is in heat!!!
so sad that we got the same problems from the same breeder.
woohoo problem is his fur is very thin.. very loose.. thin and long legs..>,<
i agreed that he shed alot.
for now he's consuming My beau, sweet potatos, eggs and natural pet skin and coat supplement.
well everything he good for his skin and coat. ^^
is fur is very soft since he's on so much of coat supplements but one thing is i want his coat to grow thicker as other maltese thats why i shaved off his coat turn him into naked puppy.
for a maltese he's kinda heavy.. 4KG for now
for me he is very heavy when i carry him in the dog bag.
oh yea dont u notice our maltese ear is actually longer then the usual maltese?
frankly i'm very disappointed with his breeder.
i'm going to get my female maltese from ikano pet shop..from woohoo's case, i did learn that cheap isnt a good thing cause they produce low quality.. or well unexpected quality.