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   « Back To Listing Bonnie
Bonnie - Maltese Dog
Owner's Pet
ProfileFemale, 15 Years 9 Months
BodySmall Size, Long Fur
LocationKuala Lumpur, Selangor
Posted22 Jul 2009 (Updated 9 Feb 2010)
Date of Birth: 12-March 2009. Brought home from the breeder when she is 6 weeks old... a fragile 0.5kg little gal. She is picky with her food and her fur coat look weak and loose. Started to hand-feed to make sure she is taking her necessary daily food provisions.

She is a sweet little white furry puppy weighing 3kg now. Very active and playful. And, now at 7.5 months old, she is experiencing her first period.... She is in heat!!!
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I want to rest
I want to rest

When can I have the pamper off?
When can I have the pamper off?

Am I sweet?
Am I sweet?

Another one of my body suit....so restrictive!
Another one of my body suit....so restrictive!

I am tired...don't disturb me
I am tired...don't disturb me

What do you think of my suit...all wrapped up in pamper and pantie to protect my chasity...ha2
What do you think of my suit...all wrapped up in pamper and pantie to protect my chasity...ha2

Bonnie - 6.5 month old
Bonnie - 6.5 month old

Am I sweet?
Am I sweet?

Bonnie - 5 months old
Bonnie - 5 months old

Bonnie - 4 months old
Bonnie - 4 months old

Bonnie - 8 weeks old
Bonnie - 8 weeks old

Bonnie - 7 weeks old
Bonnie - 7 weeks old

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Owner's Pet

Share your comments here4 Comments
vanessa   Oct 9th 2009 at 11:24PM
hey Thanks for ur sharing.
so sad that we got the same problems from the same breeder.
woohoo problem is his fur is very thin.. very loose.. thin and long legs..>,<
i agreed that he shed alot.
for now he's consuming My beau, sweet potatos, eggs and natural pet skin and coat supplement.
well everything he good for his skin and coat. ^^
is fur is very soft since he's on so much of coat supplements but one thing is i want his coat to grow thicker as other maltese thats why i shaved off his coat turn him into naked puppy.
for a maltese he's kinda heavy.. 4KG for now
for me he is very heavy when i carry him in the dog bag.
oh yea dont u notice our maltese ear is actually longer then the usual maltese?

frankly i'm very disappointed with his breeder.
i'm going to get my female maltese from ikano pet shop..from woohoo's case, i did learn that cheap isnt a good thing cause they produce low quality.. or well unexpected quality.
WeiMeng   Oct 10th 2009 at 1:29AM
Yeap, Bonnie's ear is bigger than Billie's...Ha2. And, if you take a closer look at her 8 weeks photo...she actually have her right ear standing upright. Got me very worried then. However the breeder assured me that her ear will eventually drop. By the time the ear drop, we tend to find her more cute with the right standing ear.

Yeap, I agree we have to be very careful over the quality of the puppy versus pricing. As, despite all the supplement, Bonnie's coat of fur is obviously not as nice as Billy's. My family members and friends tend to think Billy looks more maltese than Bonnie. But then, since she is with me, I take it as a fate for us to be together and my obligation to ensure she have the best of care.

I actually brought Bonnie in as a companion to challenge Billie's poor eating habit.....he is extremely picky with his food. Unfortunately, Bonnie ends up even more picky than Billie....ha2

4kg is on the heavy side. Maybe you can consider watching his diet abit. I was pretty upset when Billie reject his food. Go bonker to give him hard-boil eggs, cheese, steamed chicken breast, etc. I have got over that when the vet assured me that it is normal for him to reject food at times and it is OK for him to be without food for a day or two..... when they are hungry, they will eat....don't worry... that's what they say. And, it is good to maintain their weight to below 4kg. Therefore, Billie at 10 months old is already on a meal a day.....and, it is all late night meal as he has appetite for all human food except his own dog biscuits. At this age, he is sharing the same Royal Canine Sensible with Bonnie and I believe the small quantity that he is nibbling is just nice for him.

Do share with us the progress of WooHoo's new look as it will be great if he can develop a thicker and stronger coat of fur. One day, maybe we can arrange for a Malteses meet up at Desapark City....ha2
vanessa   Apr 30th 2010 at 3:13PM
hi i've update woohoo's latest pic which is taken on the april 21sth 2010.
he still shed alot. other than that is okay.
so where did u get your billie?

WeiMeng   May 2nd 2010 at 2:00AM
Hi...nice to hear from you. I have taken a look at Woo Hoo's picture. I think he looks much better now. Bonnie shedding is much reduced. Billie... I bought him from a home breeder.

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