1. To immediately license, and place identification on the animal with tags and collar.
2. Spay and Neuter is compulsory (For puppies after 6 months) and adult animal as well.
3. To provide shelter, fresh water, proper food and adequate companionship at all times.
4. To keep animal clean, free of flea and ticks at all time.
5. To notify Adopting Agent immediately if this animal is lost and die.
6. Dogs are allowed to return in 2 weeks to agents if not satisfying. After 2 weeks shall not entertain.
7. To notify Adopting Agent within FIVE DAYS of this date with an update of the above animal’s progress with pictures, follow by one month, three months and one year.
8. The adopter agrees to allow Adopting Agent to periodically check on this animal to be assured of
compliance with items #1 through #7