Samoyeds' friendly disposition makes them poor guard dogs; an aggressive Samoyed is rare. With their tendency to bark, however, they can be diligent watch dogs, barking whenever something approaches their territory.
Samoyeds r excellent companions, especially for small children or even other dogs, n they remain playful into old age. When Samoyeds become bored, they may begin to dig. With their sled dog heritage, a Samoyed is not averse to pulling things, and an untrained Samoyed has no problem pulling its owner on a leash rather than walking alongside.
Samoyeds were also used to herd reindeer. They will instinctively act as herd dogs, n when playing with children, especially, will often attempt to turn n move them in a different direction. The breed is characterized by an alert n happy expression which has earned the nicknames "Sammie smile" n "smiley dog.
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