This listing is over 3 months. Kindly inform us if pet is no longer available, to help us maintain an accurate listing.
Hi this is Mimi...she is 1 years & 5 months old. She's a gentle and loving dog. I cant shoot a proper photo for her because she's a active dog and like to run here and there. The reason im giving her away because I got 3 dogs now and neighbour complaining my dogs bark too loud once strangers, cats or dogs passing by our house. I hope I can find a good home for her.
Analie28Reena, do you mean please don't spay? I hope not. Look at the number of abandoned, homeless dogs who suffer and die on the streets and in shelters, simply because Malaysia has too many dogs and not enough good homes for them. Spaying and neutering is the compassionate, caring and responsible thing to do.