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Mac - Mixed Breed Dog
Owner's Pet
DogMixed Breed
ProfileMale, 1 Month
BodyMedium Size, Short Fur
LocationCheras, Selangor
Posted2 Jul 2009 (Updated 12 Aug 2009)
Found him in a box with the head sticking out, whining so pitifully. Took him to the vet to have him dewormed. Too young to be vaccinated. Will adopt him too.
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winking at you :)
winking at you :)

Mac - Mixed Breed Dog

Mac - Mixed Breed Dog

Mac - Mixed Breed Dog

Mac - Mixed Breed Dog

photos 11 -15, time really flies, look how I've grown:)
photos 11 -15, time really flies, look how I've grown:)

I'm 2+ months now, having my 1st vaccine....Ouchh!!!
I'm 2+ months now, having my 1st vaccine....Ouchh!!!

Eventhough I'm no more cute, my family love me as much if not more.
Eventhough I'm no more cute, my family love me as much if not more.

Mac - Mixed Breed Dog

photos 7 & 8, 2nd day after rescued, Was given a bath.
photos 7 & 8, 2nd day after rescued, Was given a bath.

Mac - Mixed Breed Dog

Mac - Mixed Breed Dog

Photos 4,5,6. this is how I looked like when I was rescued at 3am
Photos 4,5,6. this is how I looked like when I was rescued at 3am

Dr.said too young to be vaccinated, so was dewormed.
Dr.said too young to be vaccinated, so was dewormed.

Photos 1,2,3.on the way to the vet.
Photos 1,2,3.on the way to the vet.

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Share your comments here6 Comments
Mary111   Jul 4th 2009 at 9:44PM
Hi, I'm so impressed with your dogs, how do you keep up with so many of them? I adopted one mongrel puppy 5-6mths ago and my hands are full!!!

Please share with me your secrets - how do you take care of them, toilet train them and most importantly, how to stop them from biting things/people!!


rhsajc   Jul 5th 2009 at 12:57AM
Hi Mary, Actually, there's no secret. I toilet train them by using the newspaper method. As for biting things, I will give them the bones which I bought from the petshop when they are puppies and once they're bigger, they will stopped biting things. as for biting people, I believe dogs don't bite people if they are not provoked or feel threatened. Mine have not bitten anybody. Have patience, treat your puppy with TLC and he/she will brings you loads & loads of happiness.
Mary111   Jul 16th 2009 at 11:35AM
Thanks for sharing. So how many dogs do you have now? I can't imagine how you cope with them...!!! I would like to adopt another pup to accompany Coco (she will be 6 mths old by end of this mth) but, I doubt I can handle 2 at the same time!!!

I wish I knew how to toilet trained her when she was younger, now she still do her business in the garden... :(

It will be hard to change her habit because she was born in our garden... so the "smell" will always be there.

Do you think I can change her behavior??
rhsajc   Aug 2nd 2009 at 9:19PM
Mac's photos updated.
Wow, time really flies. Mac already has had his 2nd vaccination and he's really a very lovely dog. He's 8.4kg now.
Jacqueline   Nov 26th 2009 at 12:49AM
If only that thoughtless soul could see what a handsomefella Mac is.

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