These 2 puppies are indeed lucky. They and their 3 other now deceased siblings were notified to us by a NST reporter covering a story in a demolished housing area in Jinjang. This litter of pups & their mum were abandoned when their owner moved out. Not only were they hungry & thirsty; they were covered with red ants all over their tiny bodies.One pup was dead by the time our Photographer cum volunteer arrived. FeiLing quickly brought the remaining 4 straight to one of our supporting veterinary clinics.Inspite of their pain,their hunger took over.Even the weakest ate but it died within hours. The third died the next morning.
These two are indeed the lucky ones. We hope you could complete their salvation by giving them a home.They have strengthened and eat like tiny foals;forever playful and are most happy when showered with love. Infact, from their looks & behaviour, I would describe them as Malaysian Jack Russell.
Sam has been adopted. Gillian is still with us.
4 Sept,2009. Gillian is adopted today. Her "grandma" awaits her arrival anxiously. Uncle Francis, her fosterer, who adopted her sis "Sam"is to visit her as he missed her much. But he will donate the present, One bid bag of Pro Best food, to the other puppies awaiting adoption here. Chances are Uncle Francis may bring Sam to visit Gillian in her new home in Subang Jaya.
pls contact Jacquelinefor more details.
(24 Aug update: one of these puppy was adopted)