Loki was found in the engine compartment of a car at a service center. So I adopted the poor little kitten of about 1 week old. His eyes were still shut tight & he was very tiny.
I raised him myself with the help from my family members. Every once in a while, we do let him out to play with the rest of our outdoor cats. But unfortunately, on Friday 8th of August 2014, I woke up to feed my cats breakfast and he was nowhere to be seen. He insisted to be let outside 11pm the night before, so let him.
My location is in Desa Coalfields (DC3), Sungai Buloh, Selangor. So, if you've seen him or have him with you, please please please contact me as soon as possible.
If you happen to see him, approach with caution as he usually gets very uncomfortable with unknown people and tends to act extremely wild - he'd scratch! The 1st time we took him to be vaccinated, the vets could't take him out of his carrier & was badly scratch. So they waited for me to get back to the clinic to hold him myself as he won't let anyone else get near him.
He was raised solely by humans, so he's not like normal cats. So, I'm very very very worried of his condition right now. Please, if you're reading this & you're not living in Desa Coalfields, Sungai Buloh, please do help by spreading the word around.
Thank you!