In June 2014 we found a sad and hungry dog who had a badly injured paw wandering about at Taman Putra, Cheras by the roadside and we knew that we had to do something to help him.
He is a good looking and clean dog and we knew he must belong to someone and sure enough we found his fur around his neck was flattened where he had worn a collar for some time. His injury was causing him great pain and we can only assume that his owner abandoned him to avoid costly vet bills. We managed to gain his trust and took him to the vet for treatment. Sadly the vet diagnosed that the injury was too bad to save the leg and amputation was the best option. The newly named "Nolan" went through the operation and recovered amazingly well, in fact the vet told us that after such a major operation he was suprised at how well Nolan has recovered and how healthy he is.
Nolan is really happy now that the pain has gone and is very lively and acts and behaves as if 3 legs are better than 4! He tries to show that he can do anything a 4 legged dog can do and do it better! He loves his walks and obviously misses human company as he is always asking for strokes and hugs and giving back kisses and licks.
He has gone through an awful lot in his life and after going through so much pain and heartache after being injured and abandoned he really deserves a loving and secure home to live in. He would make a great family pet and would fill any home with love and fun and at the same time still be able to keep it and the family safe and secure! Please, can you consider giving Nolan a second chance and a forever home?
I am reacheable via my email or you may contact me at my handset number . Thank you.