This Shih Tzu was found on Jalan Penaga, near Bangsar Shopping Center (BSC)on the 24/June/2009
Dog is microchipped. Checked with MKA, but the dog is registered with the breeder. Called the breeder and he no record of who he sold it to. Dog is 5 years old according to MKA.
Found with no collar or tags.
Very nice little dog who needs to find it owner and home :-(
I put some flyers up around the local area yesterday, and the owner called me this evening. He lives quite close to me. The little girl has now been re-united with her family.
I had previously checked with all the local vets and pet shops, but no one knew her.
One lesson learned, that if your dog has a microchip, ensure that it is registered in your name!
but my Kitty has a long tounge..
she was lost at penang-butterworth on jan..