Adopted them from Vee20, thanks so them so much! playful, very energetic, cute and sophisticated! hahaha.... NEYO (male) and ROZZ (female). They've already get along with my cat, Salem, and now they are friends. It took them 2days only to socialize and become family...Now, Salem is their MASTER a.k.a MENTOR... hahahaha
hehehe..cute..muka panjang...kuat makan...agaknyer kucing macam ni kalau makan byk bleh gemuk ke? i mean nampak gemuk? coz badan panjang..perut je buncit/./hahaha
boleh jer....skrg nie u kasi dia makan aper? kalau premium food ok la...dorang baru 3 bulan...boleh develope lg tue.. kalo u bagi makanan kucing biasa, badan dorang memang gemok tapi.....dorang akan dapat penyakit sebab makanan tue kandungan garam nyer tinggi
Just look at the darlings, how they've adapted! And they're still super photogenic, the photos! I must thank you Cammy, both of them look glad with their new life, i'm sure they couldn't have asked for more :) Best of luck to you and the kittens, for a happy life together!! Once again, thank you!!
pic no.5 klon lak kan....