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   « Back To Listing Micah @ Penang - Jesse's Pet
Micah @ Penang - Jesse's Pet - Rottweiler Mix Dog
In Heaven
DogRottweiler Mix
ProfileMale, 3 Years
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
ColorBlack, Brown, White
LocationButterworth, Pulau Pinang
Posted12 Jun 2009 (Updated 8 Jun 2023)
Micah (Tricolour with short tail) was born in 24.04.2008 at Bkt Sentosa, Rawang, Selangor together with his 4 sibling. My sister brought all of them to me in Jun'08. All of them was adopted in Butterworth and one female puppy was relocated to Penang Island few months later. Another female puppy was just being relocated recently because her owner was unable to keep her.

Both of Micah ears became swollen when he was about 10 weeks old. Veterinarians told me that it is called Aural Hematoma(collection of blood under the skin of ear flap). He is fully recovered during his third vaccinations but leave behind a scarred, crinkled and shrunken pinna.

Micah is cute and loves attention. He is a very good and loyal companion. I always bring him with me in car. That's why, he is also the rival for Max in this issue because Max loves to ride with me but Micah will behave better in car.

He can be very fierce & aggrasive towards unwelcome strangers(even those guys that trying to talk to me during our morning walk at river side on Sat & Sun) but always act like a cute puppy to me. He is a medium size dog and weight about 18 1/2 kgs eventhough his father is rottweiler mix.

I'm so glad to have all three of them as my friends, my defenders and my dogs. I am their life, their love and their leader. They will be mine, faithful and true, to the last beat of their heart. I owe it to them to be worthy of such devotion.

Sept 2009 Update : Micah is getting stronger, able to jump up to my neck level. Whole body is muscular even he is about half of female rottweiler size. He is a calm but alert companion. He will follow me from place to place in the house, always keeping a constant but unobtrusive watch over me. He is kind of one-person dog, do not take instruction from my family members.

He must be carefully schooled to accept my friends into my house but physical contact should be approached carefully until he realizes that they are my friends. Strangers must never come into my house compound unannounced, he doesn't know the difference between my friend or a burglar.

Micah passing on 20th Feb 2023...15 years
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Micah 12-09-2009
Micah 12-09-2009

Grandma & Micah 10-10-2010
Grandma & Micah 10-10-2010

Feb 12th 2010
Feb 12th 2010

Me & Jesse 12-02-2010
Me & Jesse 12-02-2010

Micah 7 weeks old
Micah 7 weeks old

Micah 7 weeks old
Micah 7 weeks old

Waiting for vitamins
Waiting for vitamins

Micah 13-09-2009
Micah 13-09-2009

I follow Max closely when Jesse not around
I follow Max closely when Jesse not around

Going for a ride again..hehe
Going for a ride again..hehe

hehe..first time posing with Jesse & Max
hehe..first time posing with Jesse & Max

Grandma loves me too
Grandma loves me too

I promise to always be by her side
I promise to always be by her side

We need a bigger pool..
We need a bigger pool..

Huh ? wrong ah ?
Huh ? wrong ah ?

Max teaching me some Yoga that he learn from Jesse
Max teaching me some Yoga that he learn from Jesse

Show All Photos »
walking at river side on weekend,we love it
walking at river side on weekend,we love it

Me & Cody at river side
Me & Cody at river side

sleeping time
sleeping time

Okok..I will behave..don't scold,Max!
Okok..I will behave..don't scold,Max!

Hey, you guys really wanna sleep ah..
Hey, you guys really wanna sleep ah..

Love to stay here with Yuyu in Rawang, Max is too rough,scare
Love to stay here with Yuyu in Rawang, Max is too rough,scare

I'm going back to Rawang with Jane now, will be here when I'm bigger & stronger ..wait for me huh
I'm going back to Rawang with Jane now, will be here when I'm bigger & stronger ..wait for me huh

Playing with my sister Yuyu (Jane's pet) at Rawang
Playing with my sister Yuyu (Jane's pet) at Rawang

Micah's mum pic 2
Micah's mum pic 2

Micah's mum(beautiful stray)
Micah's mum(beautiful stray)

Micah was born in 24.04.08
Micah was born in 24.04.08

Micah(left), female pup(2nd left; dead after del of pup recently) & Sibling at river side Jun'08
Micah(left), female pup(2nd left; dead after del of pup recently) & Sibling at river side Jun'08

Micah(2nd from right) & Sibling
Micah(2nd from right) & Sibling

Micah(2nd from left) & sibling at Rawang, Selangor
Micah(2nd from left) & sibling at Rawang, Selangor

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Page: 1 2    24 Comments
irena6300   Jun 17th 2009 at 3:23PM
oo...now two mum also there?
jesse   Jun 17th 2009 at 3:54PM
Ya..you know any volunteer vet or SPCA that can help on spaying them or not..my sis will be moving on end of July..no one to feed them anymore..
irena6300   Jun 17th 2009 at 5:04PM
both of them also very fierce?
jesse   Jun 17th 2009 at 6:15PM
The short tail stray (mother of Micah) is very fierce..Max & Cody's mum(The Tricolour with long tail one) is very friendly..
Deki   Jun 17th 2009 at 8:38PM
IC, but their mum (stray) is a very beautifull dog.
jesse   Jun 18th 2009 at 10:29AM
May be they were left behind by previous owner..They came with the beautiful male stray(orange colour-caught by MPSJ)to my sis area almost the same time...
Deki   Jun 18th 2009 at 1:31PM
Hate dis kind of owner.
jesse   Jun 18th 2009 at 3:27PM
me too..that's why we keep in touch with adopters and help them to relocate puppy when they are unable to keep it.
irena6300   Jun 18th 2009 at 5:25PM
hah..my dad is that kind of ppl who always throw dogs and cat..irreponsibble..i sure my future rottie will bite him..tats why i always protect my dogs and cats..but...
Hashimi   Jul 14th 2009 at 2:47PM
max was pretty good looking. what type of that breed?
jesse   Jul 20th 2009 at 10:55AM
Max's mum is cross breed of spitz(not sure if marama or Icelandic sheep dog that abandoned by the BYB) and mongrel..His father is husky in the neighbourhood..Max is very naughty but very smart..he knows how to open my back door, wind down my power window and on my car alarm when I was away buying something for a while..owners of minimarket & hardware shop at my area also came out to see him when he do that..he even showed how he do that to a lady that asked him..
irena6300   Jul 20th 2009 at 3:24PM
wah...so pandai...
jesse   Jul 20th 2009 at 5:11PM
Smart la but very dangerous..he looked at how I did it and then follow exactly..press the button to wind down my power window and wanted to jump off my car when I was about to stop my car..I was so panic..pulling him immediately and stop my car..luckily no accident..My vet and pet shop owner also very scared of him one..super ma fan and hyperactive..luckily Cody & Micah behave better but like to fight for attention
Deki   Jul 20th 2009 at 6:23PM
I think they got sheep dog blood, they look like a bit like them too. Sheep dog very smart. You got all beautifull dogs.
jesse   Jul 21st 2009 at 10:57AM
The 12 puppies adopted in Sep'08 have very obvious sheep dog blood..They look so beautiful...Most of the adopters choose a pair and a lady in KL adopted four of them because unable to choose..The puppy that change 3 owners in 4 weeks in May'09 also looks like sheep dog and very smart..
Micah's fur is getting longer..but he is only 16kgs and slightly taller than Max only even mixed with rottweiler..can jump up to my neck..strong & quiet but very difficult to handle..only take my instruction..loves to follow Max but always wanna fight with Cody who is 2 mths older than him
He chased one of my close friends last week when he opened my gate and came into my car park.. luckily he just few steps away from my gate and managed to escape without being attacked.. looks like Micah doesn't know the different between a friend or a burglar if gate being open unannounced..he hate people touching my car as well..he is a good guard dog that will defend my house, my car & me
Eileen08   Oct 15th 2009 at 3:22PM
All your three dogs are very handsome. Love the photos of them together. Since they are all males, don't they fight for dominance? Who is the alpha male?
jesse   Oct 30th 2009 at 11:40AM
Thanks..Eileen..They never fight for dominance but Cody & Micah will fight for my attention sometimes..the punishment for them is being left at car park for hours..they will behaved when they are allowed to come in again..I don't encourage ppl to beat dogs..so I don't practise that also
As for feeding, they must sit and wait for their dinner or supplements. I give them in a group, so they are used to have food when they are sitting around each other. If one is not behaving, I won't give that one. I place the bowls 1-2 feet apart. I think they have a hierachy 'coz they don't touch each other's food until the other one walks away. They will wait at the side.

First month or so when there's a new dog, he eats further away. Then slowly, can mix with the group. I stand there and watch them eat to monitor their appetite and behaviour. when they finished, the bowl will be taken away immediately. All of them will be going to car park and do their business there while I washing their plate and mop the floor.

This is our responsibility as their owner cum leader. So, to the owner who doesn't understand why I was so furious last week when he keeps telling me how he beat his dogs via "rotan" to correct their minor behaviour issue all this while(despite numerous advice given when he was seeking for my advice, he continue to punish them with rotan for small issue)...This is the answer. Dogs are like children, they need guidance,love & patient, not violent punishment. If do not have patient for that, don't keep any. I hate ppl mistreat animals.

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