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   « Back To Listing Cody @ Penang - Jesse's Pet
Cody @ Penang - Jesse's Pet - Spitz Mix Dog
In Heaven
DogSpitz Mix
ProfileMale, 3 Years 6 Months
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
ColorBrown, White
LocationButterworth, Pulau Pinang
Posted12 Jun 2009 (Updated 8 Jun 2023)
I was thinking of buying a dog to accompany Max last year but to adopt a stray is to save a life. Therefore I adopted Cody in Apr'08 and at the same time found home for his sibling. 4 of his siblings were adopted in Penang and 1 in Selangor. This is the first time we found home for stray puppies and we can't stop doing it till now.

Cody is cross breed of Icelandic Sheepdog(a type of working spitz with heavy fur) and mongrel. He has exactly his father's colour(very rare golden fur on legs and very shining white/cream fur on his chest) but he is taller,the fur is not heavy like those snow dogs and has his mother ear. He has the best stamina among three of them and always challenge his exercise freak owner. But he is very trustworthy companion.

He is huggable and eager to please and want to be loved. He is brown with full white/cream stretch on the bottom part. He likes to play with Max and better yet - loved to sleep. He is the protector of his elder brother Max. origin of this name : English. Meaning : Reassuring.

It's kind of amazing his wagging tail can turn 360° sometimes. He was lost and found on my birthday last year when my grandma accidently let the back door opened. My friend and I took more than five hours to find him. His back leg was injured but he is fully recovered now.

Cody likes to nuzzles up next to me whenever I sit on the floor reading book or watching TV. He always promote a feeling of safety. He bark when he hears something out of the ordinary. But sometimes just having him nearby is enough to make me feel less anxious and more secure.

They are my pets - The faithful companions that are such an important part of my life.

Cody passing on 7th July 2020...12 years
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

Cody 31-10-09
Cody 31-10-09

Grandma & Cody 10-10-2010
Grandma & Cody 10-10-2010

Me & Jesse 12-02-2010
Me & Jesse 12-02-2010

Cody 16-01-10
Cody 16-01-10

Cody 16-01-10
Cody 16-01-10

Cody 12-09-09
Cody 12-09-09

Jesse, mummy is taking our photo..haha
Jesse, mummy is taking our photo..haha

I still love to be closed to Max
I still love to be closed to Max

Who's down there making noise? wanna get bite?
Who's down there making noise? wanna get bite?

How are you today ? can walk d ? grandma ?
How are you today ? can walk d ? grandma ?

I'm taller than Max now
I'm taller than Max now

Eh?? What's Max looking at?
Eh?? What's Max looking at?

Better stay close to Max..don't run so fast..I'm just a 7 week old puppy..bro
Better stay close to Max..don't run so fast..I'm just a 7 week old puppy..bro

Me & Max at River side on Sunday morning
Me & Max at River side on Sunday morning

Getting to know my big brother Max when I was just being adopted (Apr'08)
Getting to know my big brother Max when I was just being adopted (Apr'08)

When I was 7 weeks old, feel safe to be with Max
When I was 7 weeks old, feel safe to be with Max

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Or may be sleep here
Or may be sleep here

Sleeping time..Do not disturb..
Sleeping time..Do not disturb..

Grandma..they don't want to play with me..you want to play?
Grandma..they don't want to play with me..you want to play?

I'm waiting
I'm waiting

Let's play here..bro..daddy won't scold..right? Jesse?
Let's play here..bro..daddy won't scold..right? Jesse?

My favourite sleeping pose when I was puppy
My favourite sleeping pose when I was puppy

I sleep first..tired of waiting
I sleep first..tired of waiting

Hey..what take you so long? faster la..
Hey..what take you so long? faster la..

Let's go to sleep
Let's go to sleep

Haha..I always happy (Sep'08)
Haha..I always happy (Sep'08)

6 mths old, become guard dog (Aug'08)
6 mths old, become guard dog (Aug'08)

Cody 4 mths
Cody 4 mths

Cody was born in 10.02.08
Cody was born in 10.02.08

Cody & sibling at Rawang, Selangor
Cody & sibling at Rawang, Selangor

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Share your comments here10 Comments
jesse   Jul 23rd 2009 at 5:35PM
Cody saved an old lady life two months ago..She feel dizzy & fell down right in front of my gate and all my dogs started to bark..Cody barked and at the same time turning his head to search for my mum that was inside the house..their non-stop barking get the attention of my mum especially Cody weird reaction..she shouted for help and the son which was still preparing to work and daughter in law that doing hs work at that hour came out & send her to hospital..She got high blood pressure and stroke attacked twice..She always praise Cody from that day onwards instead of complaining that dog is useless
That was the third time they barked loudly together..first time was because there was a Copra right in front of my gate..second time there was a snake crawling towards my neighbour house..
rhsajc   Jul 24th 2009 at 12:24AM
Hi Jesse,

You have beautiful dogs and the lucky dogs have a beautiful you.
jesse   Jul 24th 2009 at 9:05AM
Hi Mary, thanks for your compliment..Actually I'm lucky to have them as my companion and body guard..I really admire you to have so many dogs at home and keeping them in order..Your Shadow and City are so cute..
rhsajc   Jul 24th 2009 at 11:58AM
Hi Jesse,

Know something, I've got 10 puppies now. 6 from Putih on the 17th July and 4 from Mina on the 22nd July. When I rescued them. they were pregnant. Need your advice on how to get them adopted. thank you very much.
jesse   Jul 24th 2009 at 3:29PM
We took the puppies photo via our cell phone and show it to friends, gym members, relative, suppliers and customers ..or sometimes ppl that adore my dogs when I walk them..must get potential adopter's basic info, follow up and assist them on raising the pup if require..offer to rehomed their puppy just in case they're unable to keep them anymore..We want to make sure that our puppies don't get kick out into street when they lose their cuteness..you may post it on petfinder as well..response is quite good..we are actually owing ppl 3 male puppies..2 pufy hair male pup & 1 short hair male pup..unfortunately your puppies are not ready for adoption yet..my sis is coming to Penang on 1st August..
rhsajc   Jul 24th 2009 at 5:59PM
Thank you very much, Jessie, for sharing. Will try to take their pics and then show to all. Mina is still at the vet. will discharge her in a week or 2. Ya, unfortunately, the puppies can't be adopted yet. once again, thank you very much.
Mary111   Jul 31st 2009 at 9:51PM
Do they shred a lot? HOw do you keep up with their hair in the house?
rhsajc   Jul 31st 2009 at 10:49PM
Hi Jessie,
It's me, how are you? just to update you on Mina and puppies. Went to the vet to discuss abt discharging Mina and kids. My vet asked me to keep them there for 2 mths.he's giving Mina, vitamins, calcium etc. After 2 mths, he will then spay Mina and give the necessary vacin. to the puppies.
As for Putih, she don't have the vet's care but I'm giving her what my vet is giving Mina. Her puppies are really cute. 4 blk and 2 white. the white ones look like baby polar bears. Will be deworming the puppies either 2morrow or Sunday.
larry254   Nov 9th 2009 at 11:25PM
Hi Jesse ,
how r u and ur dogs ? i'm so admire and so respect u cos u r a dog rescuer , so hope cn be friend with u , my email is

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