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   « Back To Listing Max @ Penang - Jesse's Pet
Max @ Penang - Jesse's Pet - Sheep Dog Mix Dog
In Heaven
DogSheep Dog Mix
ProfileMale, 4 Years
BodyMedium Size, Long Fur
ColorBrown, White
LocationButterworth, Pulau Pinang
Posted12 Jun 2009 (Updated 8 Jun 2023)
Max shares my house with his brother Cody and nephew Micah. They're stray puppies from my sister house area at Rawang, Selangor. They live happily with me at Butterworth, Penang now.

They love to sleep with me but I don't allow them to sleep on my bed because they shed so much. They just curl up beside my bed in my bed room.

I adopted Max in Oct'07 while he was 5 weeks old. Max is cross breed of Icelandic sheep dog with mongrel and he has very heavy fur. He is hyperactive happy dog. He likes to be petted and are considered fun-loving. But he has a very strong desire to run, if let off a leash or escapes, need to chase a long way to get him back even when he was just a puppy. I Sincere thanks to my friend and her sons who brought him back to my house last year when he escaped while I was at work.

I am still surprised at how forgiving I was when I stare into his "I'm so guilty" face. I do not love him any less after he chewed my slippers, jump over my L Shape sofa when I was lying there, dig my garden and killed all the plants including my favourite aloe vera & many more mischief that he had got himself into! My house was a mess when I came back from work everyday. My hand was full for the first 3 months I adopted him as I did not have a dog for several years after my dog"Shao Bai" dead in 2002. I grown up with dogs but never meet such a naughty and stubborn puppy before in my life. End up I gave up my garden and made it a place for him to play and getting him Cody to play with. He exhibits no fear or suspicious of strangers that came to my house, may be this is due to his hospitable nature.

Surprisingly, he is the protector of my grandma, no one is allowed to raise voice towards my grandma unless willing to fight this defender. Origin of this name : Latin. Meaning : the greatest.

Max is very intelligent, and yet an independent thinker, meaning he may get compliance some of the time, but not always obedience. This improves with age and training. Luckily I didn't give up hope.

Max is very special to me because he is the first pet that raised by me. He is also one of the greastest things that happened to me and I can't see myself without him.

I look forward to come home everyday from work just to see their cute face and wagging tail. I feel warm and happy seeing them jumping arround playing with each other or to welcome me.

They are my protectors, my friends, my defenders and my family.

Max passing on 6th May 2023..16 years
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Click on photo to view photo gallery, or mouse over for preview

13 mths now, you want my photo?
13 mths now, you want my photo?

Grandma & Max 10-10-2010
Grandma & Max 10-10-2010

Max 12-02-2010
Max 12-02-2010

Me & Jesse 12-02-2010
Me & Jesse 12-02-2010

Micah..your turn to tell Jesse we wanna go for a walk
Micah..your turn to tell Jesse we wanna go for a walk

haha..I know that I'm good at posing..
haha..I know that I'm good at posing..

Oh..you just wanna take my pic..is this pose good enough?
Oh..you just wanna take my pic..is this pose good enough?

Going somewhere? Can I follow ?
Going somewhere? Can I follow ?

Huh?  got new toys uh..coming now
Huh? got new toys uh..coming now

Don't disturb
Don't disturb

hehe..bully cody
hehe..bully cody

I promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile & sparkle in her eyes
I promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile & sparkle in her eyes

This is me..when I was 6 weeks old ; always find new thing to play with
This is me..when I was 6 weeks old ; always find new thing to play with

Max Jesse & Cody 18-06-09
Max Jesse & Cody 18-06-09

we're at River side on Sunday morning
we're at River side on Sunday morning

Die la..waiting for so long..so late d
Die la..waiting for so long..so late d

Show All Photos »
Off the light pls..we wanna sleep d
Off the light pls..we wanna sleep d

Don't worry..your big bro is going with you..
Don't worry..your big bro is going with you..

Going to Vet with Cody when he was 7 weeks old..
Going to Vet with Cody when he was 7 weeks old..

I will be your protector when I grown up..I promise you..grandma
I will be your protector when I grown up..I promise you..grandma

Max 9 mths,beautiful boy
Max 9 mths,beautiful boy

Max 7 mths plus,not bad huh?
Max 7 mths plus,not bad huh?

Max 5 mths plus,hair started to grow bit longer
Max 5 mths plus,hair started to grow bit longer

Max 3 mths plus,became short hair puppy
Max 3 mths plus,became short hair puppy

Max was born in 03.09.07(Such a beautiful stray puppy)
Max was born in 03.09.07(Such a beautiful stray puppy)

Smiling Max CNY'08
Smiling Max CNY'08

Max & Mimi CNY'08
Max & Mimi CNY'08

Adopted in Penang ; Let's play Mimi!
Adopted in Penang ; Let's play Mimi!

Max & Cody's mum(Stray at Rawang)
Max & Cody's mum(Stray at Rawang)

Max and sibling at Rawang, Selangor
Max and sibling at Rawang, Selangor

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Page: 1 2    23 Comments
jesse   Jun 23rd 2009 at 9:42AM
Thanks..you wanna adopt any of them? My sister will be bring those reserved puppies to Penang next months..
It was heartbreaking for me when my previous dog "Shao Bai" found dead on the place where he usually wait for me from work seven years ago..But Max healed me slowly and by seeing him brings back all the energy lost at work..He is the true meaning of JOY :)
jennifer84   Jul 22nd 2009 at 5:25PM
HUHU.. all ur dog's relationship is kinda complicated... got mother then brother then sister... me pening d..@
jesse   Jul 22nd 2009 at 6:06PM
No la..just brother and sister..oh ya..niece and nephew..yo~~quite complicated..
My sister former neighbour's house being broke in few days ago..He has a dog but keeping in cage for day & night..
jennifer84   Aug 3rd 2009 at 1:18PM
jesse   Aug 3rd 2009 at 1:52PM
Yeah..that's what we're thinking about..being broke in during day time somemore....
BTW, The Malay neighbour that took over my sis job to feed Max & Micah mum now informed that Max's mum gave birth to few puppies..My sis will be fostering them few weeks later..And the bad news is the rott mixed stray (Micah & Yuyu's father) was found dead in the drain at that area b4 my sister moved to her new hs two weeks ago
macgyverjune   Aug 3rd 2009 at 2:57PM
Max is so cute.aiyoh!! cannot tahanlah.He remind me of my cat,Peterpan.very friendly to everybody and to any cats.Peterpan's nickname is Tok Penghulu.hehhehe!!
jennifer84   Aug 3rd 2009 at 3:45PM
jesse... no offence.. but y not "yim" da mummy dog? coz she's like keep on breeding puppy... i pity da puppy lor... :( and poor micah's dad... hope that now he is R.I.P...
jesse   Aug 3rd 2009 at 3:53PM
Yeah..Max is very smart & cute..his first mate was a female cat that I adopted in Jan 2007 called Mimi..They were together for 1/2 year only..He was searching whole house like mad when Mimi lost on the following year..That's why I quickly bring in his brother Cody as his playmate..Also, he ran into the hs and asked my grandma to open the gate for me when I reached home from work..He's still doing that even my grandma cannot walk anymore..by pulling her shirt till I walked in..
Jeniffer..that's what we want to do also..but dunno how to get them in car to send to vet especially Micah's mum..she won't let anybody touch her even feeding her everyday..very beautiful but super fierce..We're thinking of getting a volunteer vet that can go to that area..Then my sis will try to look for them..I never have a chance to look at them whenever I was there..dunno where are they hiding..we pity them also..puppies can be adopted but what about them..wish someone at Petfinder could assist my sister in this issue..
jennifer84   Aug 3rd 2009 at 4:23PM
"sigh" poor gal... but stray dogs is really good in hiding... but where is da dog now? in penang or rawang? have you try to contact SPCA?(ai but normally they will say no time or langsung no reply.. )
shanti   Aug 3rd 2009 at 8:27PM
your dogs look very nice
Mary111   Aug 3rd 2009 at 8:57PM
Call Malaysian Dog Deserve Better Org, they may be able to help out. Here is the website:

jesse   Aug 4th 2009 at 9:09AM
given all info to my sis d..she will contact them bec the strays are in Bkt Sentosa Rawang.. Your help is greatly appreciated..
Rusty   Sep 14th 2009 at 9:50AM
Jesse - all ur dogs r handsome.. Have nice coat.. Wish my dogs r like them too..
jesse   Sep 14th 2009 at 11:27AM
They are cross breed dogs..much easy to take care of them compare to pure breed..just add some supplement for them every day..they will have very healthy and shining fur..
manlee   Nov 5th 2009 at 4:47PM
a handsome boy!
jesse   Nov 29th 2010 at 2:59PM
Don't worry...I will guide Jenny to raise Preety..by the way..Preety has been vaccinated on Sat night...we reached home about 7 plus after everything settled...

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