Urgent adoption needed! 1 1/2 months.
1st : Grey- good looking male
2nd : Black & white- Male
3rd : all white- face a pretty grey shape-female
Totally think these 3 kittens( this base) are all looking good!.)I feed them (with d mom cat-) since they are born.
P/S:**PRIORITY only given 1st to adopters who willing to adopt at least 2 miaos. 3 would be Purrrfect but I know very hard to find. I ll accept If only take 1 but must wait after I pick the 1st adopter(who can take 2).These sibling kittens are always stick to each others & play together so i really feel sad if separate all 3!
Please contact me if you are interested! Ms Cathy Lee Text & watapps. They deserve a loving family!!
Thanks. FYI I'm staying at Wangsa Maju & I already hav 1 adult cat.3 years.